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Spot Of Ferriting This Morning

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Get yourself a glove if its that bad for biting.

got a glove I left it in the jeep as I was waiting for an hour for it to come out a 16ft deep set I took my chance and garbed it bye the tail you tit

Right...managed to get a photo though before it took your hand off...

An I'm the tit?

Lol crack on clever clogs.

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So if you have to dig for a rabbit and that hob is on it and its an arms length up the tube what do you do ??? There is no point in this day and age to keep a biter it's just a liability ... If it put three stitches in me it would be dead .........

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Normally got the big glove in the bag but forgot it today it's going after this season when I get my new one because my uncle is packing in to old now he says and Iam geting his big hob ferrit but until then I need him for some of them big sets I do

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Cant recall ever in my life where I would put up with a persistant biter no matter how good you claim it is? So what are you going to do with this hob when you get your uncles hob?

Y.I.S Leeview

I can,as a youngster it was the only way to hold a ferret with a sense of safety,the majority of which we had little knowledge of,the training and entering of a ferret was a quick learning curve with a biter.As the lad holding the ferret does not seem to be a youngsterish type id say some never evolve from their ignorance.

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