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I have one ok ish .you can make a much better night vision set up your self ,explained on this sight .The yukon are a bit better than the home made night vision you dont have wires and stuff all over you gun when out shooting but the image from the home made night vision is lots better for less money .The home made night vision can be used day and night by clipping on and of the gun .If you use the yukon you have to take sights on and of .my yukon does not have ao .some new ones do .I use both yukon and home made .you need an extra ir illuminator for the yukon

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I have a Night Eye NE500 that is now my go to night vision of choice (urinates all over the Nite Site NS50). 5 minutes just to put the thing on and check alignment and my day scope becomes a night vision scope. Works well, only thing is the cables, but you can put a stock sock on a traditional shaped gun stock to hold the little lithium battery, then it is all self contained (working on something for my bullpup to do the same thing). Zero point does not change and you get the best of both worlds (oh and your scope won't run out of crosshairs if the battery goes flat during daytime, and if you run out of battery during the night time you can still lamp with your gun).

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