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Powerfull Images

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Very deep stuff , one bit of film that sticks in my mind was the naked child with burns running across a bridge in vietanam , make you relise how fragile life is

I was waiting for that one,,,,I watched a documentary a few year ago,,and they had tracked that girl down,,, and she was living a good life in America ..


Some great images there Scott ,,, although great is the wrong word...that koala bear is a surprise cos you would imagine a wild animal would never go to a human,,,let alone be able to drink from a bottle,,,

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http://www.viralnova.com/30-awesome-photos/   some pretty haunting images to   seen it on other forum thought i would share it.

i thought it could turn into a good thread if we add to it. This is a photo taken by photographer kevin carter in 1993 in sudan. He won the pulitzer prize for his work and the photo went global in a m

Then i found this picture of the little girl in this photo years on........  

Posted Images

i thought it could turn into a good thread if we add to it. This is a photo taken by photographer kevin carter in 1993 in sudan. He won the pulitzer prize for his work and the photo went global in a matter of hours, even in the time before facebook and twitter it didnt take long to make its way around the world. Nobody knows the fate of the little girl and wether she made it to the feeding centre in time, he couldnt do much while he was there due to the vast poverty but they werent allowed to touch the children through fear of transmitting diseases. Consumed with the violence he'd witnessed and haunted by the little girl's fate, he committed suicide 3 months after winning the Pulitzer Prize. It remains today to be one of the most powerful photos Ive ever seen.



Don't know how couldn't help her,,,, never mind transmitting a dieseas,,,, the kid was dying ,,, get her picked up and off to the red cross

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I can't like them photos,,, but yeh that's an unforgettable image mochara,,,,them girls had some balls didn't they,,,,, and I really really hate them two c**ts,,, and there's not many humans I can say that about,,,they need to die in pain for what they did to that family ,,

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Very deep stuff , one bit of film that sticks in my mind was the naked child with burns running across a bridge in vietanam , make you relise how fragile life is



Then i found this picture of the little girl in this photo years on........



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i thought it could turn into a good thread if we add to it. This is a photo taken by photographer kevin carter in 1993 in sudan. He won the pulitzer prize for his work and the photo went global in a matter of hours, even in the time before facebook and twitter it didnt take long to make its way around the world. Nobody knows the fate of the little girl and wether she made it to the feeding centre in time, he couldnt do much while he was there due to the vast poverty but they werent allowed to touch the children through fear of transmitting diseases. Consumed with the violence he'd witnessed and haunted by the little girl's fate, he committed suicide 3 months after winning the Pulitzer Prize. It remains today to be one of the most powerful photos Ive ever seen.


Don't know how couldn't help her,,,, never mind transmitting a dieseas,,,, the kid was dying ,,, get her picked up and off to the red cross

I understand what you're saying and i agree, id just want to help every one of them. but that's only us sat here I'm the UK from the comfort of our homes. We have no idea what it was like to be there or how we would react. Remember we are only seeing one child. Imagine the hundreds of kids he's seen in this state and worse. You can't save them all, chances are this was just another one, just another number. However it obviously effected him the things he saw.

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i thought it could turn into a good thread if we add to it. This is a photo taken by photographer kevin carter in 1993 in sudan. He won the pulitzer prize for his work and the photo went global in a matter of hours, even in the time before facebook and twitter it didnt take long to make its way around the world. Nobody knows the fate of the little girl and wether she made it to the feeding centre in time, he couldnt do much while he was there due to the vast poverty but they werent allowed to touch the children through fear of transmitting diseases. Consumed with the violence he'd witnessed and haunted by the little girl's fate, he committed suicide 3 months after winning the Pulitzer Prize. It remains today to be one of the most powerful photos Ive ever seen.



that's a haunting image if I'd ever seen one.

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Some of them bring tears to your eyes don't they. No matter how shit you think you've got it there's always someone worse off and the worst thing about all the pictures of people/kids in a bad way (apart from natural disasters) is they were all avoidable. People really can be horrible creatures

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“August Landmesser (1910 – presumably killed February 1944) was a worker at the Blohm + Voss shipyard in Hamburg, Germany. He appeared in a photograph refusing to perform the Nazi salute at the launch of the naval training vessel Horst Wessel on 13 June 1936.

“He had been a Nazi Party member from 1931 to 1935, but after fathering children with a Jewish woman, he had been found guilty of “dishonoring the race” under Nazi racial laws and had come to oppose Hitler’s regime. In February 1944 he was drafted into a penal unit, the 999th Fort Infantry Battalion, where he was declared missing in action and presumably killed.”




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