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“August Landmesser (1910 – presumably killed February 1944) was a worker at the Blohm + Voss shipyard in Hamburg, Germany. He appeared in a photograph refusing to perform the Nazi salute at the launch of the naval training vessel Horst Wessel on 13 June 1936.

“He had been a Nazi Party member from 1931 to 1935, but after fathering children with a Jewish woman, he had been found guilty of “dishonoring the race” under Nazi racial laws and had come to oppose Hitler’s regime. In February 1944 he was drafted into a penal unit, the 999th Fort Infantry Battalion, where he was declared missing in action and presumably killed.”





Seen this pic loads of time....and it never ceases to inspire me....I have a real feeling of admiration for the stand Landmesser made and the courage he showed under pressure....he probably knew it was going to cost him his life....


Some real awe inspiring and brain numbing pics here....and if they don't move you... :hmm: Enough said.... ;)

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http://www.viralnova.com/30-awesome-photos/   some pretty haunting images to   seen it on other forum thought i would share it.

i thought it could turn into a good thread if we add to it. This is a photo taken by photographer kevin carter in 1993 in sudan. He won the pulitzer prize for his work and the photo went global in a m

Then i found this picture of the little girl in this photo years on........  

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“August Landmesser (1910 – presumably killed February 1944) was a worker at the Blohm + Voss shipyard in Hamburg, Germany. He appeared in a photograph refusing to perform the Nazi salute at the launch of the naval training vessel Horst Wessel on 13 June 1936.

“He had been a Nazi Party member from 1931 to 1935, but after fathering children with a Jewish woman, he had been found guilty of “dishonoring the race” under Nazi racial laws and had come to oppose Hitler’s regime. In February 1944 he was drafted into a penal unit, the 999th Fort Infantry Battalion, where he was declared missing in action and presumably killed.”




you just know the guy next to him stuck him right in lol

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I'm sure this one is poignant for the forum... Kinda puts some of the shit, posted, about people's dogs into perspective. :thumbs:

That Is Powerful . . Sums Up A Dogs Loyalty & How Important They Can Be In Our Lives Not Just Work Wise But Creating A Partnership That Can't Be Broken !!
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The camera in all its forms since its invention has recorded Mankind at its best and its worst Photographs tell stories and record history , even with new technology changing all the time for me the photograph still evokes Emotion more than any other form

Edited by gonetoearth
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