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Advice Needed

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Hello people! I am in need of some advice. My cz hmr has reacently lost accuracy. It has gone from shooting 1'' groups at 100yrds to about 2''. I have been told that this might be because of barrel movement from wood swelling. Is this common?


Also i am was wondering does having the barrel paded between the end of the stock with tape or card improve accuracy.


Also can anyone give me some tips on cutting the barrel down. As i cant fit it in the gun cabinet with the silencer fitted. I wouldnt need to have it screw cut as i use the parker hale silencer adaptor to fit my silencer to the plane barrel. Any advice welcome. Cheers

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Hmr,s need cleaning like a centrefire, that means getting all the powder fowling out first, with something like hoppes 009, then attacking the copper with a good copper remover, and a phosphor bronze brush, then patching out.

Bin the parker hale and adaptor, and get it proffesionally shortened and screwcut.This job requires specialist equipment and skill, and is NOT a diy job, or you will ruin the gun.

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Hello again! Iv sorted the accuracy problem. I have floated the barrel by sanding down the barrel grove in the stock so that the barrel only touches the stock about 1'' forward from the action. Im going to get the action beddid soon, to prevent long term zero shift. As for the silencer adaptor, the groups are back down to 1'' so im happy. Cheers :signthankspin::toast:

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not want to tell you how to suck eggs but the quickest way to knacker a barrel is to leave the sound mod fitted. If left fitted corrosive gases are slowly released from the powder/soot in the mod and will corrode your crown and Pitt the inside of the barrel. So just store your rifle with the mod off and the muzzle pointing down :thumbs:

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