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Maddison Parker Slingshot

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stumbled across this guy on youtube

the slingshot he uses is different to the theraband type and uses heavy tubes to fire heavy ammo for hunting with .

he claims that his tubes are more suitable for his heavy ammo than theraband and last for a very long time.

i have tried to find out what these tubes are but he doesn,t say on any of his many video,s

the slingshot he uses looks very big compared to what i,m used to but he seems to be proficient enough with it

does anybody know what these tubes are and if so have you tried them or his methods.

i don,t know how to put up links to his videos but a search on youtube for ;maddison parker; will get you there

any comments would be great


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thanks for that

they look like a lot of practice may be needed to master them but certainly effective

the way the tubes are attatched don,t look as if they would be as accurate as over the top or through the forks but he certainly doesn,t have any problems with this method.

i,m wondering if its because the ammo is so heavy.

do you know what an equivalent tube to 7/16 is in the dankung range or theraband tube

Edited by whipbed
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Apparently they take some building upto to actually be able to draw, let alone the full butterfly he shoots. Only reason i can see for wanting to use them is band life, plus in the states they kill armadillo, racoon and deer so ​heavy ammo is a must. Over here i cant see much point in them.

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point taken about not much point over here

just interested in a different aspect of slingshots and was impressed with the power

i do like the idea of long band life though as i allways seem to be making them

also very heavy draw would only make my inaccurate shooting even worse

thanks for the info

i would probably be better of trying to source tubes that i can draw without too much decrease in accuracy and an increased lifespan

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so do you guys think that these tubes are more effective at propelling heavy ammo than theraband?

maddison freely admitts that his tubes are not as effeective with small ammo but are the best for the heavy stuff

i know tubes tend to last longer ,but if the correct width and number of strips per side of tbg are used will they propel this heavy ammo as effectivley?

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