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Ultrafire 18650 Batteries, Different Mah Values.

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ultr fire 18650's..1 amp spells like 15 million amp battery last for weeks very good you need them


ultrafire 2 amp doesnt wxsist lmao!!!


theyre 1 amp refurbished second hand batteries, most the people who use them are ok with it because theyve just bout a load...alas most the people who know how to check all say 'ohhh ff sake! not again...1 amp battery'.


why is it a problem you may ask? well...there an electrision guy who knows his groats who often opens up the wall charger to find very simple but poor designs and said things like 'chuck it in the bin..its a death trap waiting to happen'

that aside, why would it mater if they werent actualy the stated mah rating? ermmmm goes like a shot gun cartridge out of a the gun..yu know BANG!! slightly unexspected exsplosion when you set your hobby charger to 6000mah and follow the 1c charge rate...oh but its ony about 1000mah...booom room instantly full of smoke with small shards all about starting fires, thats if you dont get hit the face by a partialy split battery shard and lose an eye or worse... your unconsous for the several fires that are not happilly lighting the room full of smoke so thick you cant see your hand, ohh yes thats if you still have any fingers there etc etc etc


next, i want a 12v pack, thats three ultrafire's in series, only the ones i had sparked inside the protection curcuit and switched off, so cant be used in series, and after watching the tiney lightning sparks yu cant really trust the protection curcuit after woulds, its been randomly zapped so might work, might not..i.e. may not cut off when reaching its ignision stage and blow up in yu face.


i've been less than two feet away from 2 on a plug charger.. they both missed me but i was quite deff for a good hour after inhailing a lotta bad ass gasses that contain things like gasious nasty metal and other chemicals, the relavence may ask? any metal in gasious for when inhailed just instantly gets passed into your blood streem..


need i say more?


'bin fodder' does sound like 'ultra fire' a bit doesnt it.


...............you could of course as a responcable parent give them to the kids to play with too.....if yu uh idjut that is.

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relavent issues, there 3300mah 18650's, if you can actualy find a real one, and have that kind of money. (then thees the pcp protection to added on top)

2200,2300mah isnt too much to ask and they are about.


if you want more you have to run the gauntlet of fruadulant labeling....and pay through the nose when you finaly get there lol.


26650's are bigger, near on a D cell, a bit smaller i think, but yes theres 4 ampers that actualy diliver 4 amp (4000mah) and torch's for hem too..a bit more myther to gun mount but there yu go, make a pack in stick it in yu pocket.


AA's you can get 3000 mah or slightly over, again if you have the cash and brave running the buy it and see gauntlet. 2600-2700's are more likely out of the 3 amp sticker


anddddddddddddd......... ultrafire just happen to do 26650's with a wall charger, every bugger sais 3 amp at most under the elusive 4, 5 and 6 amp battery stickers.


heres how they add it up, 4 cells in the pack, ooo thats 4 amp per cell so ts a 14 amp battery pack, ermmmmm no it aint lol.

adding in series (posative to the next battery negative) adds the volts, 2,3 and 4 in series produce differing 'cappacities' but none are 12amp for the four.

next, its an '8.4v 6amp' pack, thats two in parralel and 2 in series.....the 8.4v is the total when xcharged to full, unfortunatly that wont tell you jack shit when it comes to charge it, because both 3.6v and 3.7v 18650's are flat at 3v and full at 4.2v adding to 'full charges' gives you 8.4v...so is it 3.6 or 3.7v? ok so what do charge it with?

follow that with what actual cappacity is it? yu cant!! therefore it a useless cell that will only cost you time and money and possably a limb or an eye etc.


btw, adding in parallel adds the capacity, but only as far to say 2 single cells at 1 amp each will give about 2 amp capacity, but three in parallel gets about 2.5 amp...so after so many all you have is a lottta charge time and no where near what you thought.


you've got to try them and see, a full charge, then a full discharge on a hobby charger or something to record the actual ampage for the discharge from full, followed by a full charge...then, you need to use the amp meter and measure whats drawn at the batter end not the bulb, and time it..then you'll get a pritty good idia what ultrafire 5 amp means, its n the translasion obviously...1.. 5? probly looks the same in chinese :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


now for the fun bit of 'no worry' and no tecky probs with cheap wall chargers and multy cell packs, THEY HAVE TO BE BALANNCED from time to time or the pack dies, worste case sinario is that duff cell (only duff because it wasnt balenced) could always exsploid.


so? get a hobby xcharger for the job at hand, then say ooooo a 1amp 6000mah battery?? lol.



Edited by ghillies
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And last but not least, the black box and blue shrink rap 12v cells, yes theyre very handy but, it does say 'this is not a balence charger' so, well, both mine died due to a 'one cell' out of three dying because it didnt balence the pack, or as far as i could tell, having the cells apart and singularly testing...


the 6 amp box? theyer '12.6v'full, made up of three cells, each of the three cells is two together.


both mine charged to 13.5 volt oncce each, i happened to check.. 3x4.2v12.6v NOT 13.5...

in the defence of the battery pack, there is or was in 6amp odd box, actually 6 cells, and three sets of pcp boards between them, so the actual voltage and capcity will be an anomoly that dont not add up right acourding to the every day maths 'generally used'.


all said and done, a lot have had no problems, but those at the A&E arnt to happy.


fff thats that lot off my chest.


edit, thinking about it it was 9800mah or summut....they add up in each individual cell, a lot give it to you in watts, so one cell at 4.2v (full) times the stated 3 amp or what ever, thats 12.6 watts in laymands turms, times that by say 4 cells and hey presto 50 watts man!! way huge capicity, alas no it aint lol.


the cells (in pairs to make the 3 cells were actualy taking 4 amp on a charge and a discharge so the singular were 2 amp ish..)

3 x 4amp is wapping 12 amp capacity lol...it never took that mutch to charge, no where near etc etc etc.. just to prove it dont not add up that easilly.


your life in their hands for a qwid a cell and free postage lolol!!!

Edited by ghillies
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Lol. Needed to get that off your chest ghilles. A great reply and certainly one you can't argue with.

Spot on mate.


i bought a load thinking ahh i can always parralell them to make up the amps..ffff couldnt do it with any more than one cell so went a reading. :huh:

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