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up for stud after this season..lolloll :whistling:all these where either shot and retrived or taken with the falcon                                            

on this day with the falcon his feet were black and blue..as you can see lifting his front paw up..he had some pain over the years i will certainly miss him next season as this will deffo 6th and la

cheers fulji .ive never been in this game for the money ive had 5 seasons of running with him and could of made quite a packet in stud fees but never bothered . and hopfully he will get through this a

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Great pics Snoops..hope you somehow manage to find a replacement that brings atleast a fraction of the enjoyment youve had out of the Razor dog ") and to those that said as a pup he was too big and too heavy and would be to slow I guess you can now begin to breath a sigh of relief and cough up the words you were made to eat haha..pleased I got a pup out of him when I did as all those knockers many ywars ago will now be the ones knocking Snoops door wanting a mating off Razor and asking mega dollars for his offspring lol

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Great pics Snoops..hope you somehow manage to find a replacement that brings atleast a fraction of the enjoyment youve had out of the Razor dog ") and to those that said as a pup he was too big and too heavy and would be to slow I guess you can now begin to breath a sigh of relief and cough up the words you were made to eat haha..pleased I got a pup out of him when I did as all those knockers many ywars ago will now be the ones knocking Snoops door wanting a mating off Razor and asking mega dollars for his offspring lol

cheers fulji .ive never been in this game for the money ive had 5 seasons of running with him and could of made quite a packet in stud fees but never bothered . and hopfully he will get through this aswell making it 6 in total..i could honestly count on two hands the dogs i know that have done 5 seasons down the fens let alone 6 ..twice a week week in and week out weather and injury permitting ..when i retire him i will put him up for stud..and it will pay for his retirement not that he owes me anything ...but why not..?.ive had some belting days with him retreiving for me..even today he did two cracking retrieves the last one made the hairs on my neck stand up a good 4 mins ..superb run.i dont no what he wil be like when the hares pick up again .but hes nothing to prove anymore..i just hope somebody gets somthing out of him that will give them as much pleasure as razor has given me.. :thumbs:

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Theres not many men who could post a write up like that to be fair :thumbs: , from what I seen most these types of dogs fooked up and written off be half Razors age, I mind seeing his litter brother on a camp as a young dog, he looked worse at around two than Razor looks now at six, real credit to yourself and the breeder , been a fantastic litter and just the sort that should be used as stud dogs :yes:

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Ive not rushed my young dog out of your Razor ..so may be next year before he ventures down the road? Im just bringing him on as I feel right, he's a big tall unfurnished dog, got lots of filling out and strengthening up to do so I won't rush him into anything...im one of the patient types lol..I won't say this fella of mine will be in the same league as his sire & grandparents etc but from what he has already shown me imo he will be handy enough? I like the dog a hell of a lot as I did his brother Fife too..so my hats tipped to owld Razor..hail hail the Razor dawg!!!

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I've seen 8/8 and 9/9 a week later! On the fens too. Only the once mind

me to and bet it was the same bloke with litter brother and sister .





I've seen 8/8 and 9/9 a week later! On the fens too. Only the once mind

me to and bet it was the same bloke with litter brother and sister .


how was the dog bred lads? be some animal all them hares could not of been softies

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I've seen 8/8 and 9/9 a week later! On the fens too. Only the once mind

me to and bet it was the same bloke with litter brother and sister .





I've seen 8/8 and 9/9 a week later! On the fens too. Only the once mind

me to and bet it was the same bloke with litter brother and sister .


how was the dog bred lads? be some animal all them hares could not of been softies


they were all winter hares given fair law on big land and plenty witnessed it on the days .

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Defo a dog worth using as a stud is razor, well tested,well bred...and killed a hell of a lot of gear.

You couldn't ask for any more than that!! No doubt some cnut will remember the one occasion (if it ever happened) where it ran slightly below par and try to knock the dog..it just seems to come as part and parcel of owning a handy jukel "(

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