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Cornish Sumo Rabbits

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So last Saturday, myself. Senc, Mark and my other half headed across the boarder into the bad lands of Kernow. Seanc had insisted that we turn out at 06:30, despite it being pitch black until 07:00 and the land we were hitting only a 20 minute drive away. In any case we humoured him and arrived up at the farm with 45 minutes to go until we had enough light to even think about setting some nets.


The land that we were on had provided Seanc and me with our last day ferreting the previous season. The rabbits that we took that day were definitely in the sumo category. During the summer Seanc and I had admitted to each other that we had both almost thrown the rabbits to the ferrets as they were that much of a pain to skin. We had both persevered however, and been rewarded with some of the best meat we had ever eaten. Returning to this farm I was wasn't sure whether I was looking forward to seeing whether the rabbits would be as big, or dreading that they might be and the work out I would have later on when it came to process them!


The hedge that we had been directed to by the farmer was clearly living with bunnies. However our excitement was quickly tempered when we realised that we only had permission on one side of the hedge. Initially we thought we might be able to punk it but on closer inspection we realised that the other side was in full view of a house and the road. Not ideal to say the least.


Determined to make the best of it we decided on another hedge. As soon as we had enough light, we threw up the long nets and entered four ferrets. Seanc being the avid photographer that he is, decided that the light was better on the other side of the hedge. Of course his decision had nothing to do that it was about 5 degrees warmer on the side facing the rising sun! As luck would have it, he might have positioned himself on the warmer side, but most of the rabbits bolted into the shade. I wasn't surprised that Seanc didn't seem that bothered and at least Mark kept warm by running the other side on his own. After about 45 mins we had accounted for 6 rabbits.


For the first time in a while, my other half had decided to come with us. Whether or not her decision was influenced by the stunning weather forecast I don't know, but despite the day starting off freezing, she got stuck in, moaned a lot less than Mark and only had to be rescued from a barbed wire fence once!


We moved to the second hedge which was a bit longer but split up into more sections. The long nets went up and in went the four ferrets. After an initial lull rabbits started to bolt. We had left a gap in the long net at the end of the hedge so Seanc's lurcher got a couple of runs. We worked along the hedge pushing the rabbits up as we went. As we neared the end the rabbits started to bolt in pairs, and we finished having bolted another 7, bringing our total to 13. Not a massive bag but considering the size of the rabbits, plenty to keep us going till next weekend.


enjoy some of Seanc's photos from the day....









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My other half would never consider even touching one of my rabbits never mind coming out with me. In the past when I've brought rabbits home she's been stood on guard with the antiseptic spray while I wash them in the sink, watching like a hawk for any splashes or me touching anything lol.

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