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Dpg Nearly Mawled Tpday.


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could of been worse


rescue centre dog got of its harness and got hold of my whippet 3 years back, still suffers now..skin wont grow on his under belly since attack, anxious, dog agressive and a narky little arse in general, scream the house down when anyone approaches..in the guard way ..but now with alot of fear in his bark


that was the c**t
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kick in the chops usually works! you can try giving the dog one aswell if the owner wont shut up!!

Would the story of been different if his dog was on a leash?

should have kicked it and owners

this happens a hell of a lot these days lads and its bad crack that owners of out of control dogs don't give a toss I have springers now and always being set upon by dalmations staffies etc its ignorance on the owners behalf wish I had my collies and my 1st crosses from days past would be different story if anything went to attack them -even though they were totally dog friendly they wouldn't take no shit from other dogs

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Since I lost my staff a lot of dogs have got at my lurcher,the owners always found a way to call them back when I had him funnily enough...



Worst case scenario,carry a walking stick and give them a smack If they come near,or better yet chase after their dogs with it and everyone will start avoiding you!

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It happend with me this old woman could not hold her three poxy whippets on the lead they came flying over into my black dog, lucky he could handle himself. I gave a her a piece of my mind, if that was a little girl with a small dog they would have probably killed it

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My dog has been attacked and hassled so may times now that if I see some people with dogs that look like total donuts, I take a diversion, up the nearest slope, through the nearest woods. Why cant these people just be sensible.....................if you know your dogs, dog aggressive, pop a muzzle on when in public places, its not difficult. My mums jack has the temperament of a hormonal lion, any dogs about, the basket muzzle goes on....................................how simple is that :thumbs:

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this happens a hell of a lot these days lads and its bad crack that owners of out of control dogs don't give a toss I have springers now and always being set upon by dalmations staffies etc its ignorance on the owners behalf wish I had my collies and my 1st crosses from days past would be different story if anything went to attack them -even though they were totally dog friendly they wouldn't take no shit from other dogs


Just daft idiots who don't have a clue. Oh he's friendly...nah he isn't! My dog is friendly enough but won't take any shit, he will play with pups, go in the back of the pick up/land rover with labs, cockers, pointers etc on the shoot no bother but any hint of aggression and he's up for it, and if they go after the pup...well good luck to them lol


An american bulldog came running down the path (mine on the leads), owner both hands full with sainsburys carrier bags way up the track, 100 metres at least shouting away, not a chance of the dog going back. Must admit my arse was nipping big style! It sniffed Tex, no bother, sniffed Ruby and started growling at her, next thing Tex tackled it so it flipped over on it's arse and ran back to the owner in shock lol guy said sorry and i said no worries but don't let it happen again etc etc, next time i was walking with my bro and his girlfriend, this dogs in the field area giving the fella the run around yet again jumping up at his girlfriend/partner and the kid in the pushchair! i try to turn and go back the other way but it sees us and runs over, sniffs Tex no issues but goes for Ruby again, luckily my bro was there to pick her up but it was jumping up at her snarling and snapping...if my bro hadn't been there i'm not sure how i would have got out of that one!! The bloke comes down the path red faced and tries to joke "oh these are the dogs who put him in his place last time haha"...well i wasn't in the joking mood, after venting my spleen i haven't seen him again, probably because i said i would be out to kick his f***ing head in if i did :icon_redface:


Nothing to be proud of but what do people expect? Morons.

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I see from your post it was only a young dog you had but in fairness your dog was not on a leash either so why moan,practice what you preach.

That doesn't actually make any sense. If his dog tried to attack another dog then yes, but it didn't, so why is it a case of practice what you preach?

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My lurcher got attacked 3 or 4 times by a pet bull whippet whilst and mine was on the lead 2 of the times. its alright saying give the dog some shoe but when its flying round you and your dogs pulling its harder then you think. Now anything fawn or of bully or whippety build is a threat not to my mac. Its a right pain in the arse I have to lead him all the time because he was a pup when he got attacked but now hes 2 he can do some damage. Hes on the look out all the time for this particular dog and hes had his own back once so far. Cant stand arse hole dogs.

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an alsation did it to my mates lurcher pup chasing it up the field the bloke that owned the alsation thought it was funny the pup was yelping. he didn't think much to the ball off fluff that my mate still had on the end of the lead (wheaten terrier) till he unclipped the wheaten. ( this dog fine with terriers lurchers just got a hatred for GSD or alsations) the wheaten flew into the alsation bowling it over the squared up to each other and then went at it the wheaten soon came out on top and was pulling the alsation round buy its head once we separated them the bloke went through laughing to nearly crying.


Don't get me wrong I hate stuff like this but in this case I was glad maybe that dog and its owner will think twice next time.

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Thankfully I have never experienced any of this dog aggression and hope I never will. My terrier, beddyXwhippet and GSD are always off lead when on the field,wood and when meeting other dogs they have a sniff and if the other dog is as well they will have a run around and play, if the other dogs on a leash they will leave it alone when told. I am wary of bull type dogs, but most dogs I've seen/met have been sound.

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