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Recording Unit

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Hi all I have just got my archos recording unit to work with my NV and there is no sound and I was told to get an external microphone but not sure what one I need if anyone can put a link for me that would be grate it would have to plug into the cable I have it has red yellow white and a jack want goes into my archos the yellow into my nvso there is white and red left overfor a microphone to plug in to so if anyone can post a link that would be grate

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Usually red and white are sound channels and yellow is video feed. So that makes sense that your yellow one goes to your NV unit. Without seeing your exact unit and what plugs it has I can't advise specifically, but any microphone should do the job, you'll just need one with the correct red/white phono connections. Most pc mics have a 3.5mm Jack on, but you could possible get a conversion plug to go from 3.5 to phono. Then it's just case of finding one that fits into your rig nicely with not too much wiring.



*edit* to add links:


a regular PC mic + something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RCA-Stereo-Audio-Splitter-Cable-Lead-3-5mm-Jack-Female-Socket-to-2-x-Male-Phono-/321136174386?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Cables_Adapters&hash=item4ac5352532

this would work but I doubt sound quality would be very good at range, would be fine for talking into though as you record, to narrate your footage.


Or if your wanting to record sounds that are some distance away, a high gain (large range) mic would be better. something like this maybe:http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HIGH-Gain-Indoor-Outdoor-CCTV-AUDIO-MODULE-MICROPHONE-MIC-/281095698849?pt=UK_CCTV&var=&hash=item41729bf9a1


depending on which way round your RCA plugs are you need to add a female to male converter block to make it all fit.


hope this helps.



Edited by WoodsmanJim
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