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Who Doesn't Bother With Speying?

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I just wondered who doesn't bother getting their jills speyed. I (well daughter) have 2 that have both been done, I've only had a hob in the past but my mates had loads of jills and never bothered getting them done and they were fine. Is it a myth, has anyone had first hand experience of a Jill becoming unwell due to not coming out of season?

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I used a snipped hob the last two years i just left them and they where fine , Hows it so bad for a ferrets but a dog can come into season twice a year and there fine and nothings done to help them ????

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I've never heard of the implant, how much does that set you back, it cost me £60 per Jill to get them speyed. My mate didn't do anything with his jills, don't know if this was right, whether he was just lucky? Since my daughter owns ours and they're not going to be bred from in the future I just played safe and had them done. Non ferreters don't understand paying £60 to Spey a £10 ferret but that's what you do for your pets if that's what they need. Out of interest what the going rate to borrow someones snipped hob?

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Never had a jill spayed,and never had any problems in over 20 yrs as a consequence of not being mated.Used a vasectomised hob last year for the first time ,the jills came out of season ,but for weeks they were dragging each other into the sleeping quarters everytime one wandered out.....I allways take extra precautions with hygiene of the cages,wether they've been ok because of or despite this I don't know.I was going to get one of my hobs snipped ,but TBH I don't think Ill bother now JMO :thumbs:

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I have one spayed jill and one castrated hob and a whole jill, The spayed one and the hob were happy as larry all summer but the whole jill left in season did not seem that happy she lost a lot of weight and obviously didn't seem very comfortable so next year I may get her spayed or jabbed rather than leave her job done then. Saying that now the winter is here she has put on the weight again and flying around the yard. My spayed jill turned out to be a cracking worker mind but not the end of the world plenty of ferrets about if I ever need a replacement

Edited by terryd
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