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Bloody Spar :(

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I had my first casualty to a spar today right infront of me, I was pottering round the garden with a few young mules hung around the place trying to get them to sing when 2 started to act a bit funny in their cages. Next thing you know I see a brown flash and the spar was hanging onto a cage round the corner and managed to knock the cage off as I politely asked him to leave which smashed open letting the nice goldie mule cock escape. I nearly grabbed him as he whizzed past my head and then the spar snatched him a few feet above me and flew off into the distance with the poor bugger screeching it's head off. I hope carophyll does hawks in or that he chokes on the rings the little b*****d.

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Sorry to hear that Gnipper im having wars with the little fuckers here........i think ive got them on the back foot now though :D ..............I was stood about 20 feet away from the aviary the other day drinking a pint of milk when i saw a commotion out the corner of my eye.......in one swift movement the glass came away from my lips and fired it at the b*****d.........it went nowhere near the bird and hit the side of the aviary smashing into a thousand pieces........but i havent seen one since :laugh:


Got some front these things trying to nick your birds while your standing there !!

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I had one the other day grab a silver redpoll through the wire on one of my aviaries,missed getting her in the lens this time but she's a creature of habit so will get the pic next time she's around.Have to say i've never seen so many of the bloody things just lately buzzing the hedgerows creating havoc and can see the poor old song bird population getting a lot worse than it is now and there'll still wonder bloody why :censored: .

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I had one the other day grab a silver redpoll through the wire on one of my aviaries,missed getting her in the lens this time but she's a creature of habit so will get the pic next time she's around.Have to say i've never seen so many of the bloody things just lately buzzing the hedgerows creating havoc and can see the poor old song bird population getting a lot worse than it is now and there'll still wonder bloody why :censored: .

cats.rats.mink,carbon monoxide :laugh::laugh:

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That's just a thing to legaly protect a bird sat out in a cage and it would be very naughty to set it up as a deliberate trap though Lab, :thumbs:

I agree.....protection of bird comes first but accidents happen...:-)

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