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Anyone Claimed P.p.i ?

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whats the best way of going about it,contacting banks yourselfs or going through a company that specialises in this sort of thing,had a few cards over the years but not really sure who with in the early days as they long gone now,not really sure the best way to go about it cheers

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I got paid out a few yrs back when the whole PPI thing blew up. was a piece of piss, I just rang the bank I'd had a loan with, told them the cover I'd been sold was useless and I wanted it cancelled and if possible refunded. they said they'd look into it. two weeks later they sent me an offer in the post for more or less the whole sum I'd paid! maybe slightly different now everyone's on the bandwagon, but I'd give the bank a ring first, if no joy a middle man...



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Yes i agree, take no notice of the companies that offer to deal with it for you....they will take a cut...


I had a bank loan and a Visa card some time ago, I simply rang the bank and said i think i was mis-sold my ppi and they asked me a few questions and sent me a form to fill in, i did that and about a month later they sent me an offer in the post, easy peasy.

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Agree with the above, a company will take a hefty chunk of YOUR money for what amounts to a bit of phoning round / paperwork. If you can be arsed do it yourself by contacting all banks and lenders who you've had loans, credit cards etc from and they'll send the forms out.


Seems easy done......if you can remember who you've lent from lol!

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This Saturday I got a £7500 payout from the hardnose bank of PPI payments; Lloyds. I had a total of £9000 last year from Lombard and HSBC. Not once have I employed the services of a third party, just get a standard form from moneysavingexpert.com and send basic information about your claim to the bank who you had the agreement with. It is their duty to conduct a SAR (subject access request) and carry out an investigation.


Only Lloyds disputed my claim so I went to the financial ombudsman (Lloyds send you the form) and three months later they found in my favour. Eight weeks after that a cheque arrived on my doorstep. This was only a credit card claim and I had no idea I had been fleeced for that amount. On Thursday I go to collect my new Daystate Mk 4 and Viper compliments of Lloyds. I will now do the same for my brothers who have suddenly gained an interest in this PPI thing.

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