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lab pup


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i have a six month old lab bitch havent done any dummy work with her yet. but if she brings any thing to you she sits in front and drops the shoe or what ever she has. i dont know how to stop her doing this

and do i start trainng with a dummy or do i wait untill the dropping has stopped

i have trained 2 other labs before and not had this problem

thanks stumpy

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Hi Stumpy


Start using a puppy dummy or a couple of pairs of old socks will do, when she brings it back and drops it dont say anything to her but gently put it back in her mouth and tell her to hold it using a calm voice and praise her.


When she starts holding the dummy for you give lots and lots of praise




hope this helps



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Hello how has the past few day's been with her?.I wouldent worrie to much at this point if you have done nowt with her.Get the basic's in ie sit/heel & polish them off a little & then try a dummy to finish off.If she is timid let run in for a start but if bold/wild make her sit & hold position if she move's an 1" you get the dummy till she hold's still.Once on a retreive dont be in a hurry to get it from her even walk her to heel with it for 10-20ft sit her then try take dummy on command dead.Let us know how you get on.O dont through dummy far for a start 10ft ideal as i pick 90% myself to start with.

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Hello how has the past few day's been with her?.I wouldent worrie to much at this point if you have done nowt with her.Get the basic's in ie sit/heel & polish them off a little & then try a dummy to finish off.If she is timid let run in for a start but if bold/wild make her sit & hold position if she move's an 1" you get the dummy till she hold's still.Once on a retreive dont be in a hurry to get it from her even walk her to heel with it for 10-20ft sit her then try take dummy on command dead.Let us know how you get on.O dont through dummy far for a start 10ft ideal as i pick 90% myself to start with.
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thanks for the help lads

i have now started using socks but once she gets to me she drops them but then she has no intrest in them not even to pick them up if i walk off. all her other training is good and she learns quickly so i will just have to tae my time with this one

thanks stunpy

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