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He's got massive prey drive and seriously commits to picking up rabbits. Commando rolls and skids are a pretty standard thing from him. I think it's a phase whilst he is learning so a bit more experience & time he will pick it up but at the moment it's pretty funny watching him throw hisself aroun like a toddler on a tramopleen. The frustrating thing is until he has had his first rabbit of the night he holds back a bit in terms of speed so it can take a few slips for before you see any speed from him. he's not the fastest or the most agile but I have a lot of respect for the prey drive in him he will 100% commit down hill where I have seen other dogs pull back so I am happy, full of character he's a keeper. I would like to put him with a straight grey at some point of his life and keep a pup but no rush enjoying the pup I got atm.

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