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I think the cheapest of the organisations is:   http://www.sacs.org.uk/   and you don't have to be Scottish!   £35 per year plus you get the other benefits.

  1. New membership query? Just call or email the office and ask for Elspeth - 01698 885206 / info@sacs.org.uk

  2. Hunting Life SACS members - renewal forms are going out this week. Please fill in the telephone and email address boxes - then next year it will be easier. We don't do spam, so if you get an email from us it will be important.

  3. Difficulties with online enrolment? A nice shiny new top quality website + social media will hopefully be live end January. To cope with our rapid growth in members, there will be a new membership management system at the back-end so enrolment and renewals will be simpler with an option for automatic renewals.

​Please bear with us while this vital infrastructure upgrade takes place; just the start of new developments at SACS. The last couple of months have been manic with consultations and firearms / wildlife law cases, which some of you will no doubt be aware of. It has been a case of members first, website etc. second - and rightly so.


Cheers, Alex

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Thanks all, had an email from Elspeth on Friday confirming membership being processed and pack will be with me in 7-10 days. Love the cover and as long as the price is sustainable for SACS then I plan to stay for the foreseeable future.


Top thread and excellent affinity proposition, good to see an insurer / group reward a bunch of like minded peeps.




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