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Shooting Isurance

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hi, i havnt long got my shotgun licence, i have done a fair bit of shooting on the permission i already got but ive been thinking about insurance the past few days, and hopefully it will look better for me when looking for more permission as well as cover me, but how much should i pay and who is the best to go with?

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I think the cheapest of the organisations is:   http://www.sacs.org.uk/   and you don't have to be Scottish!   £35 per year plus you get the other benefits.

Alot of people go with your common insurance companies for shooting, so BASC, NGO, etc. But actually, as far as I am aware, some home insurance policies allow you to add shooting cover to your policy, so explore that option too.


I'm not part of BASC, but I think (someone may correct me, or you can look on there website) they are an all members covered organisation. This means that you just join BASC and automatically have insurance.


Although, dont quote me on that. Like I say, someone may offer more insight.


Atb, BB


Edited to say: It may not be that the cheapest/dearest policy is the worst/best. A cheap policy might not cover you as well as a middle costing one.

Edited by Bunny Boiler
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hi, i havnt long got my shotgun licence, i have done a fair bit of shooting on the permission i already got but ive been thinking about insurance the past few days, and hopefully it will look better for me when looking for more permission as well as cover me, but how much should i pay and who is the best to go with?

How old are you? I assume 1991 (in your name) is your dob. Unfortunately you just miss out on the BASC juniour offer (U21) which is 22 quid a year. Even then BASC is 66 quid a year. Thats 5.50 a month and covers you for 10 mil damages. Not a bad deal. Plus theres a few other bonuses to being part of BASC.


Hope this helps,


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I'm in the BASC, have been since the late 1970's (WAGBI days), I stick with them because they are the biggest and most widely known, that said

(luckily) I've never had cause to 'test' the insurance cover so I have no idea how that would pan out if the worst happened.

My pheasant syndicate requires insurance as a condition of membership, most are in the BASC, but some have it from the gamekeepers

and beaters organisation (sorry don't know the 'proper' title), and some the Countryside Alliance, either way the costs are fairly 'ballpark' but

BASC is the most expensive. But you get other 'stuff' like a quarterly magazine which is half readable, and access to the Firearms licencing

consultation department, again I haven't used this but I know someone who did, they challenged a 'stupid' FAC condition, and credit to

the BASC (Bill Harriman at the time I believe) the condition was withdrawn by the Police and the person got an open certificate.

So at least that works.


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i have looked at the basc insurance, it is definatley the most common one, i think maybe that is the one i will go for partly because of the fact it is so recogniseable to other landowners and coutry people, and yes 1991 is my dob so i have missed out on that unfortunatley.

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