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Lesson Learnt...

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Went out today for the first time this season on the shoot and on the way to the intended spot, we decided to pull up and walk to the earth and check a spot in the hedge we have driven past time and time again but never checked as it always looks as dead as a dodo. Anywho, i put my bitch in and commented to my brother that it smelt foxy. a moment or two past, my bitch come back out the same hole, ran along the top of the hedge with her nose down like a little hound and dropped straight into another hole 20yrds up the hedge. Could hear her making her way back towards the hole she entered in. She doesnt make a sound unless she is up to her quarry so just heard bumping and moving around. I had gone to the other hole she ran to which was filed with leaves, just like the other holes. My brother was stood in the field when he heard rustling, he called SHES OUT...but the realised it was a cracking small vixen belly crawling out the hole my bitch first entered and away she ran down the back and through the woods....shortly followed by my bitch squeezing her way out. She went back in but nobody else was in.


So today we learnt, if you smell fox, or even have the slightest suspicion something is home....NET THE HOLES UP! The annoying thing is that i always carry a dozen or so nets in my bag and should have threw some around when i heard her making her way back through the earth!


Never mind, she will be around to catch up with over the next few months!

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  On 24/11/2013 at 22:28, OldNog said:


  On 24/11/2013 at 22:27, gonetoearth said:

And you left your 12 bore locked in the van tut tut


The .410 was still in the slip....for what use that would have been other than in a stop end

am just reminding you that you left your gun as you were following. The law wernt you. Funny how we forget things eh
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good little read pal, or if you like me learn how to set a net right, i lost 2 out of the nets sunday, :icon_redface: a fine looking big un in one of them and it even stopped and looked back as it was running of, probably to have a cheeky little laugh at us :D they'll be there for another day, atb

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Oldnog, I'm surprised at you breaking one of the main rules of terrier work, always trust your terrier. If they say he's at home then he's at home.

Still though, you might get another day out of that vixen, or her cubs maybe, LOL.

I remember years ago telling two lads who were looking for foxes bolted for their lurchers to stay at the van while I ran over to a handy earth with a terrier. If they saw me waving they were to come.

I ran over and bolted 3 foxes in a few seconds. When I got back to the van the lurcher boys wouldn't believe me.

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