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5 For The Hw97K

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Cheers Aaron mate, haven't tried any other pellets yet and still will be bedding in after the stripdown and relube. should get a lot better than that.


Mac, don't rush it mate if your not feeling up to it. cant you just sit in the car and shoot out the window..?? take it easy mate.

if I would have stayed longer I bet I could have got 50 pigeons in a few hours. the last 3 all came within 5 mins, and I scared loads off with the sound of the gun, and I was rustling the leaves as I was walking.


if I had the hw100kt and was in a hide It would have been even more!


but 4 is plenty, already got loads in the freezer and these will do me for some nice tea tonight and tomorrow.


if it helps anyone, all the birds crops were full of acorns! and there were plenty about on the floor of the woods.

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oh almost forgot to add, the first kill should have been a crow.


when I was plinking after zeroing and calibrating to 40yds this crow landed on the branch of the tree abouve the 40yd target.

so I put the rest of my biscuit I was eating in my mouth and raised the gun to aim,

lined up with the bottom of the thin cross on the top of its head and squeezed the shot off, this gun doesn't recoil bad and I could see through the scope whilst following through the black bastarrd ducked its head as the pellet was going to smash into it, then flew off 2 seconds later. cheeky cnut!!! :censored:

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I like a thumbhole, and I think its better to handle in a wood thumbhole stock. makes accuracy pretty easy!


the synthetic isn't as good imo.. makes the gun feel cheap, like a toy? and the vibration from the action firing is amplified through the stock so sounds shit aswell


the sporter stock is very nice aswell feels 'right'


haven't had a laminte one yet, but that's the same as the beech sporter if im not wrong

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9/10 for the Pose Skot ;):laugh:


Good shooting with Boinger, I'm still on a course so haven't shot for 2 weeks :icon_redface:

but roll on the 2nd of December when i can shoot again :)


atvb Daz 7.

"daz7 likes a post you made in 5 for the hw97k" -- knew it wouldn't be long :laugh::D:tongue2:


9/10 getting there.. think ive figured it out mate..


the key to success lies in how you stank the rifle.. near enough vertical gave a good pose, but when I had it on more of an incline the squirrel kept laying down :yes::thumbs:


shooting the cnut is only half the battle, posing it requires skill and patience..! the force is getting stronger in this one :laugh:;)

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