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I'm lucky....Jacqui never complains about dogs or where I go, what I do or when I do it..... :thumbs:


She's hands on too when needed, pups, patching things up or pulling dogs through some bad times.... :thumbs:


I do nothing in the house, never have and probably never will, she cooks, cleans and waits on me hand and foot.... :laugh: And there's a dose of kids and animals around here....... :thumbs:


Have to laugh when I hear fellas say the wife says this or that or the other about dogs or going hunting or she's moaning....aye right no f*****g way would I be having that.......no chance..... :thumbs:


And she takes me to the park once a week..... :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:



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What's this, poke fun at the fecking singletons? :laugh:




go offshore and you'll stay that way until you find a nice Kazak/Phillipino girl :laugh:



So I've heard... I've gone a little off the idea for a number of reasons, aint worth worrying about loosing stuff ya don't have though! LOL



Don't blame you bud....its a shit life style and will ruin your life :D


untill you look at the bank balance right?!




Not what it's cracked up to be to be honest lol.


Has to work in places like Algeria and was in Libya just before the revolution, I got out days before and my mates were stuck on the rigs for weeks waiting to get rescued by special forces. Last just I did was in Turkey near the Syrian boarder and I was driving past signs for bloody Aleppo not cool!

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Offshores a pain in the hoop, soon as I can, I`m out


As for wifes,, mines butchers deer in the bath,, nuff said.

Mine butchers toast in the kitchen. It's handy she's veggie and all, 'cos apparently my dogs are crap. What they don't catch goes twice as far

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Who is liveing the dream?! (be that with a very understanding woman,or no woman and dont want one (pete you spring to mind!)



That's me, mate. No more women ~ or any other people. Don't f**king want them. I've had a 'Very understanding woman'. She was a cracker! But, that was all many years ago. A passed life. And I was since turned into a different person to the one she knew.


Now? The sounds I most dread in all life are Knocks. And the sound of anyone, on my land, saying my name.


I deliberately ripped out the door bell, in my last place. So, people'd knock the door instead! b*****ds! F**king Leave Me Alone! It was only a matter of time before I'd have killed one, right on the door step.


Women? I was once standing, out on the land. Lost in my own thoughts. When, unbidden, the voice of a woman, presumably standing in my door way, came to me. " PeeeEET? ". It was only a glitch of my imagination.


But, I equally answered, in my head; " WHAT?!?!? :censored: ". I knew, in that moment, I was f**ked.


Not my fault. I didn't used to be like this. But, after all these years? My own view's, on the subject have probably become skewed?


Bit like my f**king sleep pattern just now, look! RantyFace.gif




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im lucky, my female pet and her pups love the dogs around as long as there not in the house unless she decides, along with the ferrets that she brings in and beds down in the bath when the weather is in her words SILLY COLD she even cleans out the sheds and courts (during summer) BUT moans like fook when i hang "dead bodies" up in the garden after a night out or leave them on top of the run and shouts even louder when i leave my muddy boots etc at the back door then climb into bed and put my cold hands on her :cray: all in all i think shes a keeper (for now) :thumbs:

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after 27 years she has become desensitized to my nocturnal habits and the various livestock that accompany me



spot on, mine 30 years married, she never moans when i go lamping, likes all the meat i bring back.But we have big ding dongs over the dogs, with me fecking off for big walks with dogs, when she invites her family round for a meal norm sunday.Ive told her dogs like i keep got have lot of exersice a day (3-4 hours) walks, not round the feckin block just because her family come, so the day gets heated. but apart from that she leaves me alone, maybe i should have gone with a woman who hunts her self, i am looking now, you never know whats round the corner as they say ..!!

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i never get hassle over the dogs or being out at all times and she doesnt mind cleaning or feeding/walking the dogs/ animals shes a good cook but does go a bit ocd with the house and goodun really compared to a few of the mates women or exs the only time we argue is over the kids normally megs choice of b/friend as i cant get head round how she can leave a hard working decent lad who wants to better himself and get with a lazy cheeky free loading workshy dosser whos got about as much life as a dead battery

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Mine loves the dogs ,has never moaned about the time I spend stalking (which is a lot) , comes picking up , is a bloody good cook ,Waits on me hand & foot , picks me up if I get lead a stray at the pub , will drive the van if I need her car & to top it all will help gralloch if needed ....cant wonder I married her !! How lucky am I ... :thumbs::thumbs:

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We where going out to my furthest permission a two hour haul each way so i like to ferret from first light till dark And a member who shall be nameless (Dogger) :whistling::tongue2::yes: ask's will be back by 4pm ? no fecking way five pm ? no bloody chance coming hame his Mrs is on the phone where are you tea's on the table :laugh::laugh::laugh:

My Mrs says here £20 for fish suppers see you tommorrow :yes::laugh::laugh:

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