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A few more bedy crosses

A few more some of my mates bedy fells

100%  digging  beddy/fell

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Topper I judged a show in August and there were more Bedlingtons to be judged at it than I'd seen in my whole life. Not one of them had what I'd call a practical coat. I take a terriers coat serious, most lads don't care, but I've seen a good coat help a terrier and a bad coat near kill them.

I know your terrier is a cross but in that photo of him covered in mud it looks like it's a hindrance. I know conditions were extreme but no way could a dog enjoy it's work with that mess on it ?

Or am I wrong ?

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Neil she just lives to work  that was extreme but all mine have good coats and dont feel the cold  some beddys have very light linty coat and get soak with 3 spots of rain the dog in my avator  the one tied to the truck with the fox had a real thick coat as does his son one shake and its dry

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tim ive done the crosses and have all the percentages and we are now adding beddy back in as some are going to far to the fell but the main thing is they have to work or its a short walk up a big field ive never been one for being soft on them id rather shoot them than pass them on


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Breeding those crosses ,first gen ,second gen etc would be more viable as a digging dog surely mate as more qualified men than me have said ,they reasemble the old type beddy .To persevere with a breed is commendable  BUT you cant' dig to paper .Id rather see a dog that had the breed characteristics but 50% added and working than the real thing baying at a hole or worse.

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The best chance of getting a bedlington to work is by the outcross programme some have followed for years that's why G Newcombe did it many years ago because he knew the old scruffy hard bedlington had long gone but the pics above are good examples of an outcross programme of many years atb

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Tim my pref choice for digging dogs is half crosses or 5/8 3/8  but ive got dogs with only a small bit of fell ie 1/16  and this was done to put them back into the mix as i wouldnt use a kc fluffy in the mix , Stuart Staly always said to me after using a kc fluffy it ruined his breeding programme so ive kept it tight and only used dogs i know 

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