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*movie* Blooded

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Has anyone watched the true movie blooded where the Anti's kidnap 5peope who hunt?

Just to give you a insight off what it Is about. Read below.


In October 2005, five young people were kidnapped in the highlands off Scotland. stripped and abandoned in he wilderness, then Shot at by anti-hunting, they were forced into a deadly game where the hunters became the hunted! there ordeal was filmed by an extreme animal rights group as a warning to others: IF YOU HUNT...YOUR FAIR GAME!. combining dramatic reconstruction and compelling interviews with the survivors, BLOODED finally tells the full story behind one off the most extreme internet virals of modern times.




There is a short movie trailer off this film on youtube.


If you have watched, I would love to hear what you thought about it... And If you have not watched it what is your thoughts on what I have wrote above?





Complete and utter pish !

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Well i watched it friday night. And well if im honest its not what i thought it was from reading the reviews. Deffo one off them films were you wouldnt watch it again.

The scenery was ok :thumbs:


I must agree the scenery was stunning, and them big stags.

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