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London's Shame

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think they should sort it out over a game of conkers

They'd get their conkers from Hyde Park, hardest conkers in the country. I wouldn't stand a chance with my Wimbledon common conkers. It'd be a massacre.



Kranky is a ginger, that's why he's so bitter, chip on his shoulder :laugh:

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Londons shame? prob happening up and down this country. who knows what other f****d up shit the tribes get up to behind closed doors.

All well and good taking the p1ss out of us Londoners, but it's no joke having to do the Lambeth Walk every time I nip round the corner for a packet of ciggies... My f*cking hips and ankles are killin

Kranky you've never just tried to scare somebody with your mates or who you knock around with have you lol please tell me I read that wrong lol oh the shame lol come with a smile pmsl lol

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Has anybody else noticed that kranky hasn't been seen since he threw out a load of insults :gunsmilie: ..........

I've been out running the dog, trying to find something to dig to, test driving a couple of jeeps and doing some catapulting. Unbeknownst to some, there's a world away from the computer screen.

If you weren't a woman I'd throw an insult at you for comic effect.

. Should that not be comedic effort

No?? Why would it be???

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If you've got a BMX, I take it all back.


I don't know of your mate. I did my bit years ago and soon realised that I was Joeying for someone else and wouldn't get looked after.

I did some bits for the fella that held court at all the boxing events but then had the grass allegations hanging over him. Not directly, via a third party. So if I ain't in the know then that's fine with me, I don't need to be respected or respect anyone, except for maybe Jesus. And I'd of respected Mandella if he wasn't a terrorist and wasn't black.


oooo no you sound like one of those gangster types you read about........what is " doing some bits " ?............and what " grass allegations " ?.......come on do tell i know your not supposed to what with the law of the underworld and all that........but sorry i just cant contain my excitement ive never spoke to a real gangster before.....i promise i wont tell anyone on the climbing frame tomorrow ;)

You silly c@nt and your "well respected by well respected people" shit and your "armed response unit" the second you come out of the Tunnel bollocks!! F@ck off! Old boys and their stories.


Like I said I don't need to be respected or respect no one. I'm a straight up and down businessman, not a f@cking plastic gangster without 2 bob to my name.

Oh dear......no thats right i dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out ;)


In my experience its hard to get along in business without giving and recieving respect in equal measures where and when necessary.......but then i dont see giving respect as a sign of weakness like some people who dont want or give respect do ........


While we are on the subject of plastic gangsters can you please do some more of your Battersea/Traveller/Patois sayings ?......go on just one,please ?


I cant wait for you sitting their in the ghettos of stockbroker belt Mitcham to start throwing a few " wagwans " at a few of us dopey gorgers !

Here's one for you......Go fcuk yourself, you spunky eyed, brothel bred, mothers b*****d!


How do you like that one?


You know you've lied, so piss off and I'll leave it at that. Or maybe you want to explain how you were on the Sileood estate during the middle of an anti terrorist operation? There's loads more, "inaccuracies" in you tales. Keep digging and I'll put them up for you.

Dear Kranky,while i feel a little bit intimidated by the names you have called me im going to do my best to pluck up the courage to stand on and confront you nonetheless.... you see i have this lifelong weakness at not being able to turn my back and walk away.........so here it is.


Over the years ive been called everything from an unsavoury character to a total f****n arsehole ....but ive never been called a liar by anybody that knows me so you either dont know me in which case you dont count or you do know me in which case my offer still stands to buy you a pint and you can tell me all about it.


Im not perfect but i do not tell lies.....the same as i dont call people childish names and say anything to a person on a forum i wouldnt say to their face, i treat people with respect until its time not to do so..........having seen who you are i am not going to start running round bullying some fresh faced smooth skinned little pretty boy........so i say again Mr S - - - - - - N im not a difficult person to find come and look me up if you feel that strongly about it......the balls in your court and i,ll leave you to do what you thinks best ;)

Gnasher, you weren't on the Silwood when you said you was. I was on the Osprey at the time. You can see the Silwood from the Osprey and vice versa. So how did you manage to bypass the 2 police mobile command units, the fire brigade operations unit, the armed coppers, the cordon and the massive great big cherry picker? If you ain't lying then you're mistaken about when it was. You also think that Mitcham is in the stockbroker belt and yet claim to have seen fighters going into Caesars, it's 5 minutes down the road, how comes you're so mistaken about that?


You've obviously been hurt by the things I've said and gone to the trouble of finding out who I am so

pop round, I've got beer in the fridge, but you'll also know who I knock about with so come with a smile, eh?


You haven't treated me with respect, read back through this thread, by your reckoning I've done nothing wrong, just treated you how you've treated me.


And if you think I'm a pretty boy are you sure there's not other motives for you tracking me down? I'm straight, just for the record.

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Has anybody else noticed that kranky hasn't been seen since he threw out a load of insults :gunsmilie: ..........

I've been out running the dog, trying to find something to dig to, test driving a couple of jeeps and doing some catapulting. Unbeknownst to some, there's a world away from the computer screen.

If you weren't a woman I'd throw an insult at you for comic effect.

Lol I certainly ain't a woman sweet cheeks so throw any insults you want just try a bit better than spunk eyes :laugh: ..........

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If you've got a BMX, I take it all back.


I don't know of your mate. I did my bit years ago and soon realised that I was Joeying for someone else and wouldn't get looked after.

I did some bits for the fella that held court at all the boxing events but then had the grass allegations hanging over him. Not directly, via a third party. So if I ain't in the know then that's fine with me, I don't need to be respected or respect anyone, except for maybe Jesus. And I'd of respected Mandella if he wasn't a terrorist and wasn't black.


oooo no you sound like one of those gangster types you read about........what is " doing some bits " ?............and what " grass allegations " ?.......come on do tell i know your not supposed to what with the law of the underworld and all that........but sorry i just cant contain my excitement ive never spoke to a real gangster before.....i promise i wont tell anyone on the climbing frame tomorrow ;)

You silly c@nt and your "well respected by well respected people" shit and your "armed response unit" the second you come out of the Tunnel bollocks!! F@ck off! Old boys and their stories.


Like I said I don't need to be respected or respect no one. I'm a straight up and down businessman, not a f@cking plastic gangster without 2 bob to my name.

Oh dear......no thats right i dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out ;)


In my experience its hard to get along in business without giving and recieving respect in equal measures where and when necessary.......but then i dont see giving respect as a sign of weakness like some people who dont want or give respect do ........


While we are on the subject of plastic gangsters can you please do some more of your Battersea/Traveller/Patois sayings ?......go on just one,please ?


I cant wait for you sitting their in the ghettos of stockbroker belt Mitcham to start throwing a few " wagwans " at a few of us dopey gorgers !

Here's one for you......Go fcuk yourself, you spunky eyed, brothel bred, mothers b*****d!


How do you like that one?


You know you've lied, so piss off and I'll leave it at that. Or maybe you want to explain how you were on the Sileood estate during the middle of an anti terrorist operation? There's loads more, "inaccuracies" in you tales. Keep digging and I'll put them up for you.

Dear Kranky,while i feel a little bit intimidated by the names you have called me im going to do my best to pluck up the courage to stand on and confront you nonetheless.... you see i have this lifelong weakness at not being able to turn my back and walk away.........so here it is.


Over the years ive been called everything from an unsavoury character to a total f****n arsehole ....but ive never been called a liar by anybody that knows me so you either dont know me in which case you dont count or you do know me in which case my offer still stands to buy you a pint and you can tell me all about it.


Im not perfect but i do not tell lies.....the same as i dont call people childish names and say anything to a person on a forum i wouldnt say to their face, i treat people with respect until its time not to do so..........having seen who you are i am not going to start running round bullying some fresh faced smooth skinned little pretty boy........so i say again Mr S - - - - - - N im not a difficult person to find come and look me up if you feel that strongly about it......the balls in your court and i,ll leave you to do what you thinks best ;)

Gnasher, you weren't on the Silwood when you said you was. I was on the Osprey at the time. You can see the Silwood from the Osprey and vice versa. So how did you manage to bypass the 2 police mobile command units, the fire brigade operations unit, the armed coppers, the cordon and the massive great big cherry picker? If you ain't lying then you're mistaken about when it was. You also think that Mitcham is in the stockbroker belt and yet claim to have seen fighters going into Caesars, it's 5 minutes down the road, how comes you're so mistaken about that?


You've obviously been hurt by the things I've said and gone to the trouble of finding out who I am so

pop round, I've got beer in the fridge, but you'll also know who I knock about with so come with a smile, eh?


You haven't treated me with respect, read back through this thread, by your reckoning I've done nothing wrong, just treated you how you've treated me.


And if you think I'm a pretty boy are you sure there's not other motives for you tracking me down? I'm straight, just for the record.

:laugh: you two girls want to settle down and chillax.... ;) I don't want to be the catalyst for London's uprising..... I can picture it now..... Kranky and his team of karate experts led by Daniel son on the left......... Gnasher with his small band of one foot in the grave gangsta hard men led by Danny Dyer...... Wilf wearing an apron, head scarf, down on his knees pretending to scrub front door steps trying to sneak a look.... Woman running into the streets grabbing their kids, running back in doors in fear...... The police turn up... Gnash gives them a bundle of notes, they agree to turn a blind eye..... It's only the Internet :laugh:

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Has anybody else noticed that kranky hasn't been seen since he threw out a load of insults :gunsmilie: ..........

I've been out running the dog, trying to find something to dig to, test driving a couple of jeeps and doing some catapulting. Unbeknownst to some, there's a world away from the computer screen.

If you weren't a woman I'd throw an insult at you for comic effect.

Lol I certainly ain't a woman sweet cheeks so throw any insults you want just try a bit better than spunk eyes :laugh: ..........

Stop trying to waste my fantasies socks :laugh:

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Krankys got you lundon ganstas bang to rights :laugh: well done Kranky, you've stood up to the bully's admirably :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

Just when it was winding down ,,,,,along comes Subaw with her fokin giant sized wooden spoon .

:laugh: winding down..... It's only starting to heat up man :laugh:

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If you've got a BMX, I take it all back.


I don't know of your mate. I did my bit years ago and soon realised that I was Joeying for someone else and wouldn't get looked after.

I did some bits for the fella that held court at all the boxing events but then had the grass allegations hanging over him. Not directly, via a third party. So if I ain't in the know then that's fine with me, I don't need to be respected or respect anyone, except for maybe Jesus. And I'd of respected Mandella if he wasn't a terrorist and wasn't black.


oooo no you sound like one of those gangster types you read about........what is " doing some bits " ?............and what " grass allegations " ?.......come on do tell i know your not supposed to what with the law of the underworld and all that........but sorry i just cant contain my excitement ive never spoke to a real gangster before.....i promise i wont tell anyone on the climbing frame tomorrow ;)

You silly c@nt and your "well respected by well respected people" shit and your "armed response unit" the second you come out of the Tunnel bollocks!! F@ck off! Old boys and their stories.


Like I said I don't need to be respected or respect no one. I'm a straight up and down businessman, not a f@cking plastic gangster without 2 bob to my name.

Oh dear......no thats right i dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out ;)


In my experience its hard to get along in business without giving and recieving respect in equal measures where and when necessary.......but then i dont see giving respect as a sign of weakness like some people who dont want or give respect do ........


While we are on the subject of plastic gangsters can you please do some more of your Battersea/Traveller/Patois sayings ?......go on just one,please ?


I cant wait for you sitting their in the ghettos of stockbroker belt Mitcham to start throwing a few " wagwans " at a few of us dopey gorgers !

Here's one for you......Go fcuk yourself, you spunky eyed, brothel bred, mothers b*****d!


How do you like that one?


You know you've lied, so piss off and I'll leave it at that. Or maybe you want to explain how you were on the Sileood estate during the middle of an anti terrorist operation? There's loads more, "inaccuracies" in you tales. Keep digging and I'll put them up for you.

Dear Kranky,while i feel a little bit intimidated by the names you have called me im going to do my best to pluck up the courage to stand on and confront you nonetheless.... you see i have this lifelong weakness at not being able to turn my back and walk away.........so here it is.


Over the years ive been called everything from an unsavoury character to a total f****n arsehole ....but ive never been called a liar by anybody that knows me so you either dont know me in which case you dont count or you do know me in which case my offer still stands to buy you a pint and you can tell me all about it.


Im not perfect but i do not tell lies.....the same as i dont call people childish names and say anything to a person on a forum i wouldnt say to their face, i treat people with respect until its time not to do so..........having seen who you are i am not going to start running round bullying some fresh faced smooth skinned little pretty boy........so i say again Mr S - - - - - - N im not a difficult person to find come and look me up if you feel that strongly about it......the balls in your court and i,ll leave you to do what you thinks best ;)

Gnasher, you weren't on the Silwood when you said you was. I was on the Osprey at the time. You can see the Silwood from the Osprey and vice versa. So how did you manage to bypass the 2 police mobile command units, the fire brigade operations unit, the armed coppers, the cordon and the massive great big cherry picker? If you ain't lying then you're mistaken about when it was. You also think that Mitcham is in the stockbroker belt and yet claim to have seen fighters going into Caesars, it's 5 minutes down the road, how comes you're so mistaken about that?


You've obviously been hurt by the things I've said and gone to the trouble of finding out who I am so

pop round, I've got beer in the fridge, but you'll also know who I knock about with so come with a smile, eh?


You haven't treated me with respect, read back through this thread, by your reckoning I've done nothing wrong, just treated you how you've treated me.


And if you think I'm a pretty boy are you sure there's not other motives for you tracking me down? I'm straight, just for the record.


Kranky you've never just tried to scare somebody with your mates or who you knock around with have you lol please tell me I read that wrong lol oh the shame lol come with a smile pmsl lol

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If you've got a BMX, I take it all back.


I don't know of your mate. I did my bit years ago and soon realised that I was Joeying for someone else and wouldn't get looked after.

I did some bits for the fella that held court at all the boxing events but then had the grass allegations hanging over him. Not directly, via a third party. So if I ain't in the know then that's fine with me, I don't need to be respected or respect anyone, except for maybe Jesus. And I'd of respected Mandella if he wasn't a terrorist and wasn't black.


oooo no you sound like one of those gangster types you read about........what is " doing some bits " ?............and what " grass allegations " ?.......come on do tell i know your not supposed to what with the law of the underworld and all that........but sorry i just cant contain my excitement ive never spoke to a real gangster before.....i promise i wont tell anyone on the climbing frame tomorrow ;)

You silly c@nt and your "well respected by well respected people" shit and your "armed response unit" the second you come out of the Tunnel bollocks!! F@ck off! Old boys and their stories.


Like I said I don't need to be respected or respect no one. I'm a straight up and down businessman, not a f@cking plastic gangster without 2 bob to my name.

Oh dear......no thats right i dont have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out ;)


In my experience its hard to get along in business without giving and recieving respect in equal measures where and when necessary.......but then i dont see giving respect as a sign of weakness like some people who dont want or give respect do ........


While we are on the subject of plastic gangsters can you please do some more of your Battersea/Traveller/Patois sayings ?......go on just one,please ?


I cant wait for you sitting their in the ghettos of stockbroker belt Mitcham to start throwing a few " wagwans " at a few of us dopey gorgers !

Here's one for you......Go fcuk yourself, you spunky eyed, brothel bred, mothers b*****d!


How do you like that one?


You know you've lied, so piss off and I'll leave it at that. Or maybe you want to explain how you were on the Sileood estate during the middle of an anti terrorist operation? There's loads more, "inaccuracies" in you tales. Keep digging and I'll put them up for you.

Dear Kranky,while i feel a little bit intimidated by the names you have called me im going to do my best to pluck up the courage to stand on and confront you nonetheless.... you see i have this lifelong weakness at not being able to turn my back and walk away.........so here it is.


Over the years ive been called everything from an unsavoury character to a total f****n arsehole ....but ive never been called a liar by anybody that knows me so you either dont know me in which case you dont count or you do know me in which case my offer still stands to buy you a pint and you can tell me all about it.


Im not perfect but i do not tell lies.....the same as i dont call people childish names and say anything to a person on a forum i wouldnt say to their face, i treat people with respect until its time not to do so..........having seen who you are i am not going to start running round bullying some fresh faced smooth skinned little pretty boy........so i say again Mr S - - - - - - N im not a difficult person to find come and look me up if you feel that strongly about it......the balls in your court and i,ll leave you to do what you thinks best ;)

Gnasher, you weren't on the Silwood when you said you was. I was on the Osprey at the time. You can see the Silwood from the Osprey and vice versa. So how did you manage to bypass the 2 police mobile command units, the fire brigade operations unit, the armed coppers, the cordon and the massive great big cherry picker? If you ain't lying then you're mistaken about when it was. You also think that Mitcham is in the stockbroker belt and yet claim to have seen fighters going into Caesars, it's 5 minutes down the road, how comes you're so mistaken about that?


You've obviously been hurt by the things I've said and gone to the trouble of finding out who I am so

pop round, I've got beer in the fridge, but you'll also know who I knock about with so come with a smile, eh?


You haven't treated me with respect, read back through this thread, by your reckoning I've done nothing wrong, just treated you how you've treated me.


And if you think I'm a pretty boy are you sure there's not other motives for you tracking me down? I'm straight, just for the record.

Kranky you've never just tried to scare somebody with your mates or who you knock around with have you lol please tell me I read that wrong lol oh the shame lol come with a smile pmsl lol

Hahahahaha! Caught, bang to rights!!!!


I can only assume that Gnasher posting that he knows who I am and what I look like is some thinly veiled threat. I should imagine that he's got my address and phone number too. I think he hoped that I'd get a cold shiver down my spine when I read that! Lol!!

Sitting in front of his computer, frantically Googling me, while wearing his housecoat and slippers and growling at the monitor doesn't intimidate me.

Neither do statements like "I ain't hard to find", like he's a local celebrity or landmark. Why would I travel all that way to have a pint with him and subject myself to Confessions of a Doorman, when I can have the same conversation with random blokes in most pubs in the South East?

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Has anybody else noticed that kranky hasn't been seen since he threw out a load of insults :gunsmilie: ..........

I've been out running the dog, trying to find something to dig to, test driving a couple of jeeps and doing some catapulting. Unbeknownst to some, there's a world away from the computer screen.

If you weren't a woman I'd throw an insult at you for comic effect.

Lol I certainly ain't a woman sweet cheeks so throw any insults you want just try a bit better than spunk eyes :laugh: ..........

Trust a woman to get it all wrong!! It's Spunky Eyed, you silly girl. Xxx

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Where would we all be, without a laugh....................................?





Here ! Reading this.............................. :yes:

Haven't you 2 got anything better to do ??

Edited by Blackbriar
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