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Yesterday I received a package at my office. It had a postmark from Scotchland so I was concerned that it may contain drugs or body parts. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it contained a catty and band set from BPR.


I attached the tubes to the frame with castration bands and micro pore surgical tape and managed to get half a dozen shots off in my garden in the dark. This included 2 for 2 on a beer can at 15 yards.


This morning I took the catty to get a feral for the ferrets. Using M 8 hexnuts and a low anchor, with my thumb in my cheek I took aim at a bird 18 yards away and 20 foot up. The first shot hit to the right of the birds neck and sparks shot off of the stone parapet at the point of impact. The second shot hit the pigeon in the side of the chest and it took off, flying about 6 foot before arching it's head back and falling to the ground.


The M 8 nut had penetrated the chest and it may have exited. I need to try and have a look later when I get home.


The catty is comfortable to hold and the yellow tubes give a nice light draw. There's no problem getting superb accuracy out of it and there's no hold sensitivity.


Thanks BPR.





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Cheers fellas.


I shoot by anchoring the pouch at points on my face. The faster the ammo is travelling, the higher up my face I anchor, from right under my eye down to my chin. With these tubes, anchoring on my cheek just behind my mouth gives me a spot on aim point at 20 yards.


This bridge is the width of the M25 and has pigeons roosting in both sides of it. On average I shoot 3 pigeons a week there and have done for the past 2 and a half years. I've not noticed any difference in the number of birds there.

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I think you might be right.....;-)

I'd get BPR to give you a price for one of his catty's. It'll make it easy for you to get started and you'll be able to use it to take any game you choose. Confidence is the key and you'll get plenty of it with one of these frames.

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Like the look of this mate. Got to meet kranky on sunday so im sure il get to have a little shoot with this.

Kranky has a catty with him everywhere and i mean EVERYWHERE!!! If i turn up without mine i get moaned and and he will pull out a spare haha.

Not just me who hangs it round my neck when im having a shiit then :whistling: ...

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