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Calibrate Deben Mk3 Locator Anyone ?

Guest vin

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Hello all,


Does anyone know how to Calibrate a Mk3 locator..?


Ive got 2 and they are giving me readings that are at least 2-3ft out.


I checked them yesterday against a brand new one and at the new one gave a 4ft reading where mine was reading 6ft.. the actual depth was more like 3ft in the end.


I spoke to Deben and they want £35 for each unit to be re-calibrated..i have only just started using one of them after they replaced the Ariel/magnet earlier in the year at a cost of £35....but they still give me inaccurate readings.. believe it or not I tested 5 locators yesterday and they all gave false readings except the brand new one ( and that was not totally accurate ).


If i have to pay to get them working at deben at their prices i will be selling them and buying a mk1 box.


Any help out there.


PM me if you prefer.

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I reckon the two red circles highlighted are the adjusting screws for calibrating the mk3. I haven't tried it yet on my own as it's working fine but if someone has one which is giving false readings it could be worth a try. I reckon one calibrates the search mode and the other for locate.



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I reckon the two red circles highlighted are the adjusting screws for calibrating the mk3. I haven't tried it yet on my own as it's working fine but if someone has one which is giving false readings it could be worth a try. I reckon one calibrates the search mode and the other for locate.



I was wondering if they did anything..but im worried about doing something very wrong and rendering them completely useless.


I was one of the 1st to sing the praises of the mk3,But im beggining to have serious doubts at the moment.

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Nothing ventured nothing gained...... decided to have a go and see what the two screws highlighted above done. The screw closest to the magnet at the bottom of the box seems to calibrate the readings when the box was in locate mode. The top screw didn't seem to adjust any setting but i will try again when i have a bit more time. I took a photo of the position of the screws before making any adjustments just in case things went belly up.

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I asked Pipa if he would calibrate them,becaus i know he does the mk1 boxes but he said he doesnt touch them becasue theres too much to go wrong.


maybe he can confirm if this is the way to get the distance calibrated on the mk3...Im willing to have a go before I have to send it back to Deben at the price of £35 .


I am poised in anticipation with screwdrivers ready... Come chaps..someone must know.

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Both screws can be used to fine tune the calibration. It just takes a bit of trial and error to get a balance between the correct depth and getting the squelch right on the pin pointer. I found when it was adjusted to the correct depth the squelch wasn't as accurate and when the squelch was adjusted to be spot on the depth was slightly out. I just messed about for a while.

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Both screws can be used to fine tune the calibration. It just takes a bit of trial and error to get a balance between the correct depth and getting the squelch right on the pin pointer. I found when it was adjusted to the correct depth the squelch wasn't as accurate and when the squelch was adjusted to be spot on the depth was slightly out. I just messed about for a while.


So your saying that you have calibrated the Mk3. . ? Does it now give you an accurate reading ? is 4ft actually 4ft ? and does it reach the desired 16ft on search mode ?


That would be great if so.

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You should get what is on the tin i know but i have had 3 of these MK3's (don't ask..:( ) and i find it really is hard to get the exact depth they are just too fussy and over sensitive. As long as you get a rough idea on where to dig if you have to then that really is all that matters surely.

The MK3 will never be accurate. it's a bit llike mobile phones for me , just give me one with basics and not a ruddy computer....


i wish Deben could have a competitor (perhaps they have?) as then their prices would be more competitive . £240 for one with 2 collars is a lot. My mate says that's around 60 ferrets or more are equivelent in price and are you going to lose that many in a lifetime?


I am a supporter of the collar as that is in my view the correct way but he does have a point even if you don't agree morals

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When I was messing about with the two screws on the mk3 it was more important to have the pin pointer as accurate as possible than to have the correct depth. You get used if the depth is 1ft or 2ft out but when pin pointing the location of the ferret Is more important.

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