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Calibrate Deben Mk3 Locator Anyone ?

Guest vin

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to recalibrate them you ned a clibration metre and they cost quite a bit, you also need electrical knolege to go with it, its not as simple as turning a couple of screws

Ha ha sure they probably said the same thing about the mark 1. Looks like those expensive calibration meters should be thrown in the bin as there are lots and lots of mk3 owners who's box is out a bit.

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wonder what the drainage blokes think when there digging an 8ft trench and its not measured correctly ?


What sort of person would have a calibration metre and electrical knowledge ? apart from Deben..? Could I take them somewhere local to me and get them fixed for less ?

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i dropped my mk3 spoke to deben receptionist she said it would be 35 quid to service it sent it back with

my phone num as told they fixed the problem sent it back no charge spot on .used the mk1 for years

the mk3 took some getting use to but it don't pick up static like the mk1 did . :thumbs: in my opinion is better just the silly noise they want to sort out

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I use the mk3m and I find it a great. It took a number of goes to get used to after using a mk1 for years. My mk3 was working fine but when this post came up I thought what the hell so opened it up to have a go. The two screws highlighted in the pic calibrate the depth and the pin pointer. If your mk3m is well out you have a choice....pay deben £35 to recalibrate or have a go yourself. The worst than can happen is you send it to Deben and pay £35. That's a no brainer.

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wonder what the drainage blokes think when there digging an 8ft trench and its not measured correctly ?


What sort of person would have a calibration metre and electrical knowledge ? apart from Deben..? Could I take them somewhere local to me and get them fixed for less ?

ok lads ill send my boxes to you then, ill pay the going rate for fixing the mk1 or mk3 boxes i have 1 of each, i look forward to receving it back from use's :thumbs: ATB lads foxtails

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Any of you lads who have a MK3 locator.. Please do yourself a favour and get the measuring tape out .. I think that the maximum search distance you will find is around 12ft.. whatever the flashing lights tell you,I think they dont reach 16ft in search mode.


Someone please tell me im wrong and they have measured 16ft on search with an audible bleep etc etc.


From what I can tell..the distance is almost double from all measurements after around 3-4ft .. for instance i can get accurate readings on locate from around 3ft down to a pinpoint etc etc..But ! after 3-4ft the distances practically double..So when im at 5ft it is off the scale on locate mode and showing 10ft on search mode..By the time your at 16ft and off the scale in serach mode im only around 12 ft away.


dont get me wrong chaps..It will still find me the ferret... but not at 16ft.

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wonder what the drainage blokes think when there digging an 8ft trench and its not measured correctly ?


What sort of person would have a calibration metre and electrical knowledge ? apart from Deben..? Could I take them somewhere local to me and get them fixed for less ?

to that question... theres loads of people out there with a calibration metre and electrical knoledge, pipa on here for one, i know of another 2 theres loads !

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