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American Bulldog Swollen Head And Severe Hives

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hi guys after a bit of advice if anyone can help! yest morn after 10 mins my 18 month old am bull bitch came in the house and her head was huge and swollen and had a patch of hives on her front quarter, couldnt see any signs of a sting anywhere so I gave her a couple of loratadine tablets(allergy tablets) made sure she was ok there was no trouble breathing in any way just swelling around her eyes and across the top of her head, she had a big drink of water before I left and I crated her with a big bowl of ice water to drink, I had to rush to work to oppen up then cancel afternoon apt so i could get back, an hour and half later I came back she was ok all the hives had gone and the swelling was going down she was a bit sorry for herself but lively enough, by 8 in the evening all back to normal running around with the pup and no signs of anything wrong! now after an internet search all I can find are u.s forums and the signs look like season pollen allergies (not reallly seasonal in this country) which add up as on sun I put the big strimmer across the whole back garden as it had got long and to wet and long for the mower. thought it was over now today she hasnt been allowed in the garden i have just lead walked her just along footpaths and hasnt been on any grass at all but all of a sudden she is covered in hives, her ears are red and sore inside there are sore patches on her belly and under her armpits(dont really know what to call them legpits dont sound right) I have given her another loratadine but there seems to be no change, she has thrown up all she has eaten but is drinking plenty and is still running around her normal self. just wondered if anyone else has any experiance of this and any ideas? vet will hbe next call on mon morn or will do the emergency at any point if she starts to act anything other than normal!





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If you’re unlucky the swelling can compromise breathing with full anaphylaxis as the next stage, I'd go to vet to be on the safe side and think again about anything she’s eaten or come in contact again that is causing the allergic reaction.

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  On 19/11/2013 at 15:43, sandymere said:

If you’re unlucky the swelling can compromise breathing with full anaphylaxis as the next stage, I'd go to vet to be on the safe side and think again about anything she’s eaten or come in contact again that is causing the allergic reaction.

Hi due to the site going down several replies to this topic have been lost and also the updates of my dog. the first day there was no trouble at all with breathing just swelling around the eyes and top of head and hives over her body, the initial antihystamine took away the swelling but the hives got worse, I gave her a cold shower and bathed her in epsom salts on th sun and gave her 2 x benadryl taqblets and within an hour things were getting better, come mon morn there was no sign whatsoever of swelling or hives. After a fair bit of research I have put it down to an allergy to something in the garden that I had strimmed down and she had run around in. the benedryl were fantastic and I will now keep a good supply in the house.

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  On 19/11/2013 at 20:56, Bluebell h said:

I had the same thing happen to a dog of mine years ago fella after getting stung by a wasp !

hi mate, last summer we stumbled into a wasps nest and we all got stung me the mrs and little girl the dog took a right hammeringn she was only 6 months at the time, i got her home and got a couple of antihystimine tabs in her and all was good in an hour or so thats the only reason i knew she wouldnt react to them this time. was a bugger for me tho as i cant take them and i was in agony for days with it. lol

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