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Had a ball

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We went down to the Borders this week-end to visit friends, my husband and two daughters (10y and 15y) went out shooting on Saturday and ferreting, they had an absolute ball..they came back with 14 rabbits, 3 crows and 5 Pigeons..my friends' husband then taught them how to gut the various things. They loved the ferreting and using the nets. My father is apalled that we allowed them to do this..he thinks its barbaric etc and not something that kids should do..i think the complete opposite, i think its good for them..but hey..i guess my father and i disagree on every subject.. :wallbash: On Sunday they then ate some pigeon for lunch. I think if more kids were involved in fieldsports it would do them the power of good. My elder daugther seems to be a real natural with the gun, she has a very good aim, once again my father thinks that encouraging them to enjoy shooting is a heinous crime..AAGGHRRRRR..the older generation and their insistence they always know best.. :icon_eek:

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My daughter has been coming out with me ferreting,shooting,fishing,working the lurchers since she could walk.At school she is always excelling both academically and in sports.At the last parents evening,her teacher described her as a "model pupil,who always works hard,is kind and thoughtful to her classmates,and is a pleasure to teach" at home she is always keen to help around the house,feed the dog's etc.When out hunting she doesn't mind getting stuck in,gutting,carrying etc,and she loves animals and wildlife,and would have no hesitation in reprimanding someone if she seen them being cruel to any animal.Guess all that time and effort trying to turn her into an evil gun wielding,animal abuser was wasted,lol.

Think hunting can have a very beneficial effect on children in lots of ways,i just wish the bunney huggers could see this. :thumbs:

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Sounds pretty like my two, we have never had a minutes bother with either of them, we can take them anywhere, their school reports are always spot on..etc..they have grown up coming to work with me, they have helped rear puppies/kittens etc and for them the animals always come first..there is no question on a cold wet day that the dogs are dried off before we are..they both show compassion and empathy..they have been brought up witnessing real life, not sitting in front of a video/gameboy..they play outside..again, not stuck in front of a computer..i cant see that teaching them things like shooting/ferreting can ever be wrong. My father would say black was white of course.. :hmm:

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