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Should Lurcher Be Kept In Kennel And Run?

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Lookin at getting a lurcher soon for lamping and ferreting, but it will also be considered a family pet and be allowed in the house when we're home.


Would it make any difference to how well the dog works etc if it slept indoors and had the free range of the garden during work hours (with kennel for shelter), rather than being locked in a kennel and run over night and during work hours

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They get too soft if you keep em in the house.....they should be outside.....in cold, leaky and draughty kennels.....makes them tough....   Like this lot of useless fuckers.....    

It doesn't matter whether the dog is in the house or in a kennel it should be warm ......

a working dog in the house is not an option for me,allways have to clean em down almost every lamping trip.as regards cold thats why many of the old school folk woke up to a dead dog.if a dogs been la

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  On 15/11/2013 at 19:08, popnoodle said:

Lookin at getting a lurcher soon for lamping and ferreting, but it will also be considered a family pet and be allowed in the house when we're home.


Would it make any difference to how well the dog works etc if it slept indoors and had the free range of the garden during work hours (with kennel for shelter), rather than being locked in a kennel and run over night and during work hours

you have posted the same in the gundog section only difference that ones about a springer :hmm:

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  On 15/11/2013 at 19:10, paulus said:


  On 15/11/2013 at 19:08, popnoodle said:


Lookin at getting a lurcher soon for lamping and ferreting, but it will also be considered a family pet and be allowed in the house when we're home.


Would it make any difference to how well the dog works etc if it slept indoors and had the free range of the garden during work hours (with kennel for shelter), rather than being locked in a kennel and run over night and during work hours

you have posted the same in the gundog section only difference that ones about a springer :hmm:

he maybe wants see which one he can keep in the pen haha

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Because I wanted to see of there was a different thought process from different areas for the two types of working dog.


For the springer I've been told that it must be kept in a run otherwise it picks up bad habits having free range, but found out afterwards that this person tends to talk through his arse about dogs.


For the lurcher a friend has put across a number of reasons for a run, main one being that it gets used to the cold for when it's out lamping, which seems a bit overkill, plus he's got very old school views inherited from his dad



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Potnoodle , I was going to give you the benefit of my wisdom and sagacity by bestowing on you some helpful , valuable advise , I was going to give pearls of wisdom that would stand you in good stead for years to come , but You sound like a messer so I wont .

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  On 15/11/2013 at 19:15, popnoodle said:

Because I wanted to see of there was a different thought process from different areas for the two types of working dog.


For the springer I've been told that it must be kept in a run otherwise it picks up bad habits having free range, but found out afterwards that this person tends to talk through his arse about dogs.


For the lurcher a friend has put across a number of reasons for a run, main one being that it gets used to the cold for when it's out lamping, which seems a bit overkill, plus he's got very old school views inherited from his dad



they tend to keep warm when running, its personal choice and circumstances that really make a difference, mine have a pen and various runs although i don't know why as i never shut the run door

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a working dog in the house is not an option for me,allways have to clean em down almost every lamping trip.as regards cold thats why many of the old school folk woke up to a dead dog.if a dogs been lamped hard,its cold,fatigued,sore,wet,it needs warm,wind free,waterproof shelter for the freezing nights.if people cant afford decent kennel set up they should nt have dogs.

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Thank you for your advice paulus, it's a nice surprise to get a helpful answer so quickly from yourself across the two topics considering I thought I'd be told off for not caging them up when not working lol.


Astanley with an attitude like that towards an admitted newbie who's trying to ensure he's doing right by his future dogs I don't think I'd want your 'pearls of wisdom' as it would undoubtably be very self gratifying, and would probably lead to you arguing with everyone who says elsewise with lots of use of the word 'mate' (meaning I know I'm trying to annoy you) and 'IMO' (meaning if I feel the need to say this I know my opinion is forced and isn't worth shit)


Qbgrey it would end up being a roofed run with kennels built into back of the shed being built at same time, I was just dubious on the claims of why the dog should have to sleep outside but can see your point on them being dirty


As long as enough people say their dogs sleep indoors and still work fine then I'm a happy chappy :)

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  On 15/11/2013 at 19:20, Astanley said:

Potnoodle , I was going to give you the benefit of my wisdom and sagacity by bestowing on you some helpful , valuable advise , I was going to give pearls of wisdom that would stand you in good stead for years to come , but You sound like a messer so I wont .


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Poppy . asking the same question in two different sections threw me , I thought you were a messer , lots of newbies are . so ignore my sarcasm , you,v had some good guidance already so I wont chip in with any , pearls of wisdom ,good luck with your dogs and all the best for the future

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