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Badger Cull Protesters To Target Shoots

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Who will ban shooting labour lol. The tories , Nick clegg , dream on. As ive said it is not coursing Its an integral. Part of the uk economy your Housing analogy bears no substance be realistic the scruffs lacs that is peaked pre ban they are on the decline the few are getting fewer while hunting and shooting and fishing gains popularity. To bring up the beaters being taxed like it going to bring down shooting lol. , like ive said the antis pick on easy targets make them secure they thnk twice , in conclusion Wake me when you have cast iron evidence and we will resume are discussion


I agree with you, shooting will never be banned. BUT every new bit of legislation makes it ever difficult to run a shoot never mind turn a profit.



Grouse shooting has already suffered massively due to things like the snaring bill and vicarious liability. Bit by bit its being chipped away, so much so many landowners are saying 'f**k it'.

One of the most productive grouse estates in Scotland stopped keepering on the hills this year for that very reason, and a good few boys lost their job. :yes:

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This shooters dont care is a load of Shiite may i remind you the loop hole to continue terrier work revolves around THE PROTECTION OF GAMEBIRDS , there are probly 5 / 6. Thousand active antis with s

If you put a bellman on him ,he might pass as a working Bedlington

You mean 'some' didn't.


Who will ban shooting labour lol. The tories , Nick clegg , dream on. As ive said it is not coursing Its an integral. Part of the uk economy your Housing analogy bears no substance be realistic the scruffs lacs that is peaked pre ban they are on the decline the few are getting fewer while hunting and shooting and fishing gains popularity. To bring up the beaters being taxed like it going to bring down shooting lol. , like ive said the antis pick on easy targets make them secure they thnk twice , in conclusion Wake me when you have cast iron evidence and we will resume are discussion


I agree with you, shooting will never be banned. BUT every new bit of legislation makes it ever difficult to run a shoot never mind turn a profit.



Grouse shooting has already suffered massively due to things like the snaring bill and vicarious liability. Bit by bit its being chipped away, so much so many landowners are saying 'f**k it'.

One of the most productive grouse estates in Scotland stopped keepering on the hills this year for that very reason, and a good few boys lost their job. :yes:

Really they said the same about hunting with dogs .they will either ban it or make it so awkward that everyone will say sod it,an not bother.

End of the day you don't take a pet 12 bore for a walk in the country do you.

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Hunting was not banned coursing WAS. Hunting carries on you know it i know it and even the antis now it why are theythrowing money down the drain. Why has lacs sold its assets , In reality antis are not very well organised quite ram shackle actually. , Any very easy to deal with as we have proved on many occasions but will not go into that on here , Any way am late for the meet hark forard !!!!!!!


Where have you got your information from mate about LACS selling off assets. I'm not disputing it at all, just that it seems pretty promising and I have had a very quick google and not found anything.

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Personally I think it's naive to believe anything we do is off limits to the ban it brigade. I don't believe shooting will be banned in the short term but in 100yrs I really couldn't say. They've given us the thin end of a thick wedge and our society is only getting softer and less tollerant of such activities. Look how attitudes and laws have changed from 1900 - 1920 - 1940 - 1960 - 1980 - 2000....


We can't even go out and shoot a pigeon for the pot, legally....

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Hunting was not banned coursing WAS. Hunting carries on you know it i know it and even the antis now it why are theythrowing money down the drain. Why has lacs sold its assets , In reality antis are not very well organised quite ram shackle actually. , Any very easy to deal with as we have proved on many occasions but will not go into that on here , Any way am late for the meet hark forard !!!!!!!


Where have you got your information from mate about LACS selling off assets. I'm not disputing it at all, just that it seems pretty promising and I have had a very quick google and not found anything.



Last I heard they were buying up land and then selling it but retaining the sporting rights so no one could shoot it? Dunno how long that trick lasted mind?

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I just hope when they do harass and terrorise the shoots some one shoots the fcuk outa the whole tribe of antis. theres bound to be a volunteer out there whod take one for the field sports cause. edited to say brian may is a wanker before they quote me on it

Edited by BIG G wheton machine
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Who will ban shooting labour lol. The tories , Nick clegg , dream on. As ive said it is not coursing Its an integral. Part of the uk economy your Housing analogy bears no substance be realistic the scruffs lacs that is peaked pre ban they are on the decline the few are getting fewer while hunting and shooting and fishing gains popularity. To bring up the beaters being taxed like it going to bring down shooting lol. , like ive said the antis pick on easy targets make them secure they thnk twice , in conclusion Wake me when you have cast iron evidence and we will resume are discussion

I agree with you, shooting will never be banned. BUT every new bit of legislation makes it ever difficult to run a shoot never mind turn a profit.



Grouse shooting has already suffered massively due to things like the snaring bill and vicarious liability. Bit by bit its being chipped away, so much so many landowners are saying 'f**k it'.

One of the most productive grouse estates in Scotland stopped keepering on the hills this year for that very reason, and a good few boys lost their job. :yes:

Which one mate?

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The police have only to let another nutter loose with a cupboard full of weapons to strengthen their generally anti gun powers. I think we've got to be aware of vanishing liberties as previously sated ,stealth bans. The laws which are brought in must have some sort of context rather than sweep across the board for situations that are minority incidents to the extreme.

We need to look at other european countries and how they maintain their country pursuits, passing it on to the younger generation etc.

Fishing has a huge membership, when i buy my rod license I believe a quid goes towards team england/uk ? I'd like a percentage to go towards lobbying or promoting country pursuits in schools etc.

Do you know what I have to do here to get a license for a handgun, a shottie or a rifle..... Go see a Dr for 30quid who will ask me a few questions to ascertain if I am a nutter or not and then if he feels I'm ok he'll hand me a piece of paper which I can then immediately use to go a buy one of previously mentioned firearms walk onto some cnuts land and start blasting away. Funny thing here is the farmers won't bat an eyelid at me doing this, turn up looking like a filthy Jesus doppleganger with unwashed balls, protesting and they'll more likely than not cap yo ass :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


There's only two or three ways to deal with these cnuts; 1. Kick the living shiit out of them everytime they turn up paying close attention to aquiring all the electronic devices they may have about them, for safe keeping of course ;) 2. Vote for UKIP they are the only political party offering a grassroots vote and 3. Activley lobby your chosen association to all join forces and fuuck off this pathetic lot only united will this be halted and potentially reversed :thumbs:

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