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Another One!

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so first it was the woody with the hw77k yesterday just before dark.. ;)




then the rabbit on the lamp with the hw100kt.. :thumbs:




and now this one for the hw98 :boogy:






putting all 3 of my lovely rifles to good use :toast:


hope Daz is happy with the pose effort, this one was more of a laying down poser :laugh:


great shot if I do say so myself, just sat about 3 feet up a tree on a branch, waiting for me to get on one knee and line up the shot.


was slightly blurred the scope, im pallaraxed at 34 yards so it was either just closer or just further.. turns out it was just further, id say about 40 yards as the pellet impacted low and hit the neck.. took a few mad rolls so I ran over and put one in top of its head as quick as I could :thumbs:




had a plink aswell shooting 2 3 shot groups one after the other in a breeze , just off to the right,


first pic using the pellet shot on the left as aimpoint




second pic using hole punched paper as aimpoint




then zeroed after a few clicks left, took one shot then aimed at it 3 more times, in true Si Pittabread fashion lol and was happy with it for outdoors in a breeze.




love all 3 of my rifles and honestly cant choose a favorrite!! :blink::D


so yeah, Bigmac 97kt .. this is how its done mate :laugh::laugh: :laugh: :laugh::toast:

Edited by Skot Ruthless Teale
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