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Daft Bluetooth Hands Free Ear Thingys...

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Dunno what they're called, the mobile hands free stick things that yuppie prats go around with in their ears 24/7?


Utter PRATS! Here's a novel idea, take your phone out you pocket when it rings and look half way normal! LOL


Am I missing something? Anybody on here have one glued to their fecking skull? :whistling:


Yeh got one for my dog...I figured he couldn't hear my 2000 decibel whistle when he was running 800m in to the next field. Not entirely sure if he know's how to answer it but I have a good feeling that his recall with get better



Hmmm I get ya mate. Wireless is no good though mate, you need it hardwired..................... to mains voltage! LOL



Tried something similar it didn't work...can you have a ratting labrador?



I've got a retrieving terrier so why not?........... I mean, Miniature Wirehaired Labrador Retriever!

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