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Shamelessly lifted (with permission) from another forum. This one cracked me up!       In the greatest days of the British Empire, a new commanding officer was sent to a jungle outpost to relieve

Paddy and Murphy have been fishing for hours without a bite I've got an idea says paddy lets find a bridge you can hold me legs and when a fish swims by I can grab it good idea says Murphy. A while la

I'm selling an invention that is the solution to 99percent of the words problems ..........,.its a land mine shaped like a prayer mat....... The prophets are going thru the roof

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my mate was depressed so he phoned the Samaritans ,he felt a bit better after the phone call so he phoned them again the following day


and felt better again......he phoned every day for a month until he felt back to normal !


then at the end of the month he saw his phone bill and killed himself :laugh:

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An Irish man and Polish man apply for a job in a guiness factory.

After looking at their papers and speaking to both of them the HR bod said it was not easy to split them and would they mind answering 20 questions.

After the questions they were told that the Polish guy had got the job.

The Irish guy was fuming, explaining it should have been him as he was local, Irish and it was for guiness.

Well I'm sorry but after the questions it was 19 all and it came down to the one you both got wrong they were told.

On the one you both got wrong the Polish guy wrote, Sorry, I don't know the answer, and you wrote neither do I.

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Paddy and Murphy have been fishing for hours without a bite I've got an idea says paddy lets find a bridge you can hold me legs and when a fish swims by I can grab it good idea says Murphy. A while later they find a bridge right hold me legs says paddy as he goes over. About twenty minutes later paddy shouts pull me up pull me up. Av ya got one shouts Murphy. No says paddy theres a fecking train coming



:laugh: that's a classic. :thumbs:

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Paddy phones an ambulance because his mate's been hit by a car.

Paddy: 'Get an ambulance here quick, he's bleeding from his nose and

ears and I tink both his legs are broken.'

Operator: 'What is your location sir?'

Paddy: 'Outside number tirty tree Eucalyptus Street .'

Operator: 'How do you spell that sir?'

Silence.... (heavy breathing) and after a minute.

Operator: 'Are you there sir?'

More heavy breathing and another minute later.

Operator: 'Sir, can you hear me?'

This goes on for another few minutes until....

Operator: 'Sir, please answer me. Can you still hear me?'

Paddy: 'Yes, sorry bout dat... I couldn't spell eucalyptus, so I just

dragged him round to number tree Oak Street .'

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German guy approaches a prostitute and says, ' I vish to buy sex vit you'

'OK' says the girl, 'I'll charge 100 Euros an hour'

'Ist goot, But I must varn you, I am a little kinky'

'No problem' she replies cautiously, 'I can do a little kinky'

So off they go to the girl's flat, where the German produces four large bedsprings and a duck caller.

'I vant you to tie ze springs to your handz und kneez.' The girl finds this very strange, but complies, fastening the springs to her hands and knees.

'Now pleez you vill get on your handz and kneez.' She duly does this, balancing on the springs.

'You vill please blow zis duck caller as I make love to you.' She finds all this very odd, but figures it's harmless, and the guy is paying.

The sex is fantastic. The energetic German bounces her all over the room, all the time with her
honking on the duck caller. The climax is the most sensational she has ever experienced, and it is several minutes before she has recovered her breath. Finally she gasps 'That was totally amazing....... what do you call that?'


'Ah', says the German, 'Four-sprung duck technique'

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A fairy story.

Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, “Will you marry me?” The Princess said, “No!!!” And the Prince lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and banged skinny long-legged big-titted women and hunted and fished and raced cars and went to strip bars and dated women half his age and drank whisky, beer and Captain Morgans and never heard bitching and never paid child support and kept his house and golf clubs and ate spam and chips and beans and blew enormous farts and never got cheated on while he was at work and all his friends and family thought he was cool and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up.

The End

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My mate had a problem with one of his sons swearing so he asked me for my advice, I told him next time he swears give him a good hiding that should cure him.


Next morning his boy came down stairs and was asked what he wanted for breakfast.... I`ll have some fecking cornflakes he said .............so he gave him a damn good hiding.


five minutes later his brother came down and my mate asked him what he wanted for breakfast ... "well" he said " I don't want fecking cornflakes "

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