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Starving Ferrets Befor The Hunt!


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Aye but start of the ferreting season ain't it

Its not such a stupid question when you think about it. I mean if you were only just starting out in the sport you could be forgiven for thinking that ferrets hunt when they are hungy.


So i take it nobody research's ferrets before they get any and looks at the working posts before they start ferreting ?.


Whats wrong with just answering someones question without all the usual school holiday silly season shite?

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Because as said doesn't anybody do any research before they get a animal ?.


Lets just get the ferret ,dog or budgie and ask after wards

Hes obviously been given some crap advice so isn't it better that he comes here and asks? I take your point about researching animals before you get them though.

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Because as said doesn't anybody do any research before they get a animal ?.


Lets just get the ferret ,dog or budgie and ask after wards

Hes obviously been given some crap advice so isn't it better that he comes here and asks? I take your point about researching animals before you get them though.



Research in what way though, maybe the research he did was talking to his father in law about keeping ferrets. If he was given all the 'I kept ferrets for years' type carry on then he might have taken this as sufficient research. The only thing wrong with the research he did was the quality of advice he was given off the back of it. I'm sure most on here that have been ferreting for a few years wont have had the www available at the time to research the ins and outs of ferrets at the time when they got them so we talked to friends and family who we thought were 'in the know'


Anyway, he has asked the question now and got the answer, so job done!


Adam, if you have any other questions and dont fancy running the gauntlet on here, feel free to pm me. If I can answer I will and if I cant I wont just make it up lol


Good luck with your ferrets!

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Whats the ideal amount of time to starv the ferrets before going out on the hunt?

Does it afect the outcome of the amount of rabbits u will catch or lack of energy in the ferret?

my 1st reply of < dear me > I still stand by that why would you starve any animal and still expect it to give you a days work, yes the young lad asked the question and fair play to him in my book every day is a school day if you want to listen....atb

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Not every ferret works well if you fed it on the morning of a hunt. Although there is not need to starve them. I never feed mine on the morning of a hunt and if they kill they move onto the next rabbit so they arent starved. Find out what works best for your ferrets as you'll learn through trying different things.

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It was somthing my partners dad said he did when he was ferreting back in the 70s and her uncle still does

Wasnt sure if people still did it or not?


Just asking people on here as starting out.

Asking about is all part of learning the right way!


Sorry if u feel this is stupid to ask!

Its not a stupid question fella, you always get a few planks on here give you sh!t, don't worry about it. You now know that most people don't do it and why so take the knowledge and ignore the rest. There are plenty of top lads and lasses on hear that are happy to help so ask away. I have found it a very helpful and supportive, although a good sense of humour helps,lol. I have even had people very kindly donate me equipment and sound advice when I have needed it :yes:

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