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mk 3

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hate to say it bud but i have tried using one while i was ferreting with my nephew and his mate but it ended up getting chucked in the bottom of the bag and the good old grey box came out (which are miles better at pinpointing).the best thing i can suggest is to ring deben as they are very very helpful and will explain exactly how to use it to maximum effect.some people swear by them but a lot swear at them .best of luck

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just look at it as one finder doing two jobs, the switch on the side is what most peeps f**k up on

in search mode you have a 16ft radius to locate the area the collar is in, once found, flick the switch to locate, this then gives you 8ft radius in which to find the collar, at this stage, using the dial on the underside you can tune in the signal as you get closer to it, all the time your using it you also have the LED screen that will either light up or not, depending if your getting nearer, the dial is used like the SWR button on an old cb radio, cutting out unessessary interfearance and letting you get an exact position on your collar/fert


most muck ups are when peeps forget to flick the switch, depending weather they are locating or searching


I dont have a mk3 only a mk1, but used a mk3 just once and found it great once mastered


if you still dont have no joy, ill swap ya,lol

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not being funny but the mark 3 is easier to work then the mark1 and you find the ferrets alot faster i got both mark 1 and mark 3 ferret finders but i all ways use the mark 3 now coz it is so much better and some people say its noisy but that helps you to pin point the ferret . it tells you how to use it on the instructions :thumbs:

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I recently upgraded form mk1 to mk3 and having used the mk3 on 2 outings, and only needing it on the latter outing, I must say I prefer the mk3. At first I saw how complicated it was and thought, oh shit what have I got myself into, but after locating the first lay-up right on top of where I wanted to be, on a huge warren, in half the time it would have taken with my mk1, I have no regrets upgrading.


It took a few minuted to figure out how to use it, and my one isnt the newer version with the pinpoint dial, but I used it another couple of times that day and it did the job right on the button each time. No winding down trying to find where you are above the ferret, just point and listen and you will be on top of it in no time. Switch to locate and then listen again and watch the LEDs and when the noise is highest pitched and the Depth is reading the lowest you are right on top of the ferret :)


I have used the mk1 loads of times and the mk3 a only few times on my last outing and I already prefer the mk3.


Hope this helps

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Another thing about the MK 3, is when its on search, have it flat, then when you find the highest pitch, switch to locate and point it down, where the arrow is, on the narrow part of the locator and again, once the highest pitsh is detected, look at the led numbers on where it says locate, this will tell you how deep the fert is. When digging down, becarefull and use a probe every now and then, till you break threw.



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