bugg 84 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 Tell you what I would put a fiver on.....you wouldn't last the day in the uk ferreting with no shirt on! Haha Quote Link to post
Jord M 148 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 Is this mink bigger than a large dog fox??????? Here's the mink in question... jesus!! It looks like a small seal Quote Link to post
Minkenry 1,044 Posted January 12, 2014 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 Tell you what I would put a fiver on.....you wouldn't last the day in the uk ferreting with no shirt on! Haha Yeah, our weather has a lot more variation than yours. We get over 100ºF(40ºC) in the summer, and below well below 0ºF (-40ºC) in the winter. Quote Link to post
rabbitpie 2 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 I used to own a whippet that though tough was no way near as tough as any working terrier I know of and although steady with ferret when a male mink bit her she killed it as easy as a rat. This was preban and mink may have got harder. Never seen a working 10lb terrier but the slightly heavier terriers that I have seen kill mink did not struggle. Maybe its a 10lb terrier thing. Quote Link to post
Minkenry 1,044 Posted January 12, 2014 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 In your use of the mink it is the predator but my thoughts are against a terrior the tables would be turned and the mink would now be the prey for the first time? So it would surely be new ground for the mink. A defensive attack is different to a predator attack. And theres not a lot that can defend against a good terrior. The size certainly wouldnt bother one and i dont think it would stop to ask how aggressive it was before the games commenced! YOU my friend are a very wise man! You are 100% correct! A defensive attack is night and day from a predation attack. I highly doubt there is a mink alive that could handle a game little terrier if all it plays is defense. Mink are not badgers, they don't excel at defense. Don't get me wrong, mink are pretty dang good at defense, but it really isn't one of their strengths. Their bodies are too long and thin to be much of a defensive fighter. Unlike their cousins the badgers who are thick and wide, mink are long and thin, and a larger attacker can easily wrap their jaws completely around a mink's torso, causing internal damage. Where a mink excels is offensive attacks. A mink can out move just about anything I've ever seen, other than other mustelids. Weasels, stoats, and martens are quite a bit quicker then a mink, but in comparison just about everything else seems slow. I know from experience that a mink can easily out move a dog or cat (I don't mean out run, I mean ducking and diving). A mink can hit a cat in the face, and get out of the way before the cat can even react. I've seen it several times with several different mink and several different cats. I've also watched a fair number of dog/mink fights (none being my own mink thank goodness). Mink can out move dogs without a problem. In fact they are so much quicker than dogs that it's down right embarrassing! Here's the thing with a terrier vs mink confrontation. Terriers are tougher (thicker bodies are more protected from vital bites) and a good one is gamer than a mink. However, pound for pound mustelids bite MUCH harder than canines. Heck, just about every mammal predator out there does. Pound for pound, canines have pretty weak bites. Cats and mustelids are made to kill their quarry with a quick bite to the back of the head, or neck. Dogs just slowly tear their quarry apart. Only when killing something much smaller than themselves (like a terrier killing a mink, squirrel, or rat), are dogs very efficient killers. The minute a canine starts tangling with anything near it's own body weigh, the death of it's opponent becomes quite long and drawn out. A mustelid or big cat can kill quarry twice their size, and by themselves, in less time than a pair or trio of canines attacking an formidable opponent of the same body weight. If a mink was trained to see dogs as game (which with the right mink, and some easy to kill "purse dogs" to get it started) it would be able to quickly and easily out move its opponent, and attach itself to the back of the dog's head, and ride around chewing into the dogs neck, while the dog helplessly rolls around trying to get a hold on his opponent. Chances are the entire conflict would end without the mink loosing a drop of blood, as the dog would never even be able to bite the mink. Now on the flip side, a good hunting terrier is tougher and gamer than a mink. If the terrier could get a hold on the mink, before the mink got a good hold on him, then the dog would have a very good chance at being the victor. The key would be a very exceptionally large and bold mink with proper training, against a terrier that was equally well trained, but only twice the size of the mink. So a 5 lb mink vs a 10lb dog. If the dog is any bigger, his chances of winning would greatly increase, and he would most likely win. I have hunted with various breeds of dogs for years, and though I have not tried this out, I know both animals like the back of my hand, and feel confident I know the probable outcome. And one other side note, I've worked with the REAL game dogs before too, and their level of gameness puts the best of terriers to shame. Your arguments of "my 15 lb terrier kills 3 lb mink all the time" is just like me saying, "My pit bull killed a bob cat, so I'm sure he can handle a panther." A 15 lb terrier vs a 5 lb mink, my money's on the terrier. A 10 lb experienced terrier vs a 5lb mink that sees dogs as game, and my money's on the mink. A 10 lb dead game pit bull vs a 10 lb mink, I'll bet everything I own on the mink (I know this doesn't exist but humor me). Quote Link to post
bullx100% 681 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 Is this mink bigger than a large dog fox??????? Here's the mink in question... Thats the size of a fecking terrier lol......... Quote Link to post
perthshire keeper 1,239 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... Quote Link to post
jamesmc 582 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... Quote Link to post
Minkenry 1,044 Posted January 12, 2014 Author Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... No dog alive could stand toe toe with a weasel, stoat, or mink of equal size. The only reason they win against mink is because they are 10 times larger. I don't get excited when my mink kills a mouse with one bit, and talk about how tough my mink is! The same goes with dogs. No dog alive could handle a mink or weasel of equal weight. And that includes pit dogs, which make terriers look like cowards. I KNOW, I've worked with both in the field. Terriers are impressive when compared to a boarder collie, but they are cowards when compared to a game bread fighting pitbull. Quote Link to post
jamesmc 582 Posted January 12, 2014 Report Share Posted January 12, 2014 any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... No dog alive could stand toe toe with a weasel, stoat, or mink of equal size. The only reason they win against mink is because they are 10 times larger. I don't get excited when my mink kills a mouse with one bit, and talk about how tough my mink is! The same goes with dogs. No dog alive could handle a mink or weasel of equal weight. And that includes pit dogs, which make terriers look like cowards. I KNOW, I've worked with both in the field. Terriers are impressive when compared to a boarder collie, but they are cowards when compared to a game bread fighting pitbull. A MINK OF EQUAL WEIGHT WOULD KILL A FIGHTING PITBULL.....DO YOU REALLY THINK SO??...I AM BY KNOW MEANS AN EXPERT IN EITHER FEILD.....BUT MY MONEYS ON THE PIT... Quote Link to post
Minkenry 1,044 Posted January 13, 2014 Author Report Share Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... No dog alive could stand toe toe with a weasel, stoat, or mink of equal size. The only reason they win against mink is because they are 10 times larger. I don't get excited when my mink kills a mouse with one bit, and talk about how tough my mink is! The same goes with dogs. No dog alive could handle a mink or weasel of equal weight. And that includes pit dogs, which make terriers look like cowards. I KNOW, I've worked with both in the field. Terriers are impressive when compared to a boarder collie, but they are cowards when compared to a game bread fighting pitbull. A MINK OF EQUAL WEIGHT WOULD KILL A FIGHTING PITBULL.....DO YOU REALLY THINK SO??...I AM BY KNOW MEANS AN EXPERT IN EITHER FEILD.....BUT MY MONEYS ON THE PIT... I shouldn't say would as much as could. It would depend on who got the first hold. The pit would have a dang good chance if he got his hold first, but even then the dog might be dead before gameness came into play. If the mink got the first hold, like they almost always do, then the dog would never get his teeth into the mink. Tell me this, how often do you hunt badgers with one dog? Also, how often do your dogs kill dangerous game and come out of it without a bite or scratch? That is the norm with my mink, they almost never get a hole in their hide. I had a 1.6 lb mink kill a full grown feral cat, and come out of it with out a scratch on her. You put two 20 lb terriers on a cat, and they will both have holes in them before the cat stops breathing. Even my 55 lb pit bull got scratched up a bit when killing cats, even though her hide was tough as nails, and she bit so hard they were dead in seconds. Though I have to say, I did have one exceptional pit dog that could kill game like cats and coons without a scratch, and even got a skunk without getting sprayed! Mink, weasels, stoats, and most long and skinny mustelids are absolute experts at attacking dangerous game that is larger than themselves without ever even getting bit. They hold their quarry in such a way that they can bite without being bitten, by riding on the back of their victim and biting the back of their neck. They just sit up their and chew until their victim is dead. You can't compare them to badgers, because badgers are all defense and limited offense. They eat mice for goodness sake. A one pound mink kills larger game than most badgers. Pit bulls and quality terriers are pound for pound MUCH tougher built, and MUCH gamer than a mink, but they are much slower, and they have no way to bite without being bitten the way the weasels do. It is the exceptional pit dog that can hold his opponent for very long without getting bit himself. And that's dog vs dog. Those holds would be close to useless with the long and nimble weasel family, but if the dog could somehow pull it off, it would for sure win. The fact is, the mink would have the dog before he even leaves his corner, and the fight would be done before it even started. I know fighting dogs, and though not a terrier expert, I know a fair bit about them too. Edited January 13, 2014 by Minkenry Quote Link to post
perthshire keeper 1,239 Posted January 13, 2014 Report Share Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... No dog alive could stand toe toe with a weasel, stoat, or mink of equal size. The only reason they win against mink is because they are 10 times larger. I don't get excited when my mink kills a mouse with one bit, and talk about how tough my mink is! The same goes with dogs. No dog alive could handle a mink or weasel of equal weight. And that includes pit dogs, which make terriers look like cowards. I KNOW, I've worked with both in the field. Terriers are impressive when compared to a boarder collie, but they are cowards when compared to a game bread fighting pitbull. now ive been polite ive given handy one line replys that will have helped you avoid the one wrath of the THL massif but ime afraid that now ile have to quit the subtle tactics and go all out..... i like TC am very impressed at your "training of mink" very clever and you want to wright a book bravo... have a bone.... and you have had "working dogs your whole life" again pat yourself on the back, but i dont know what the hell standards of terrier you have seen but ile tell you what... this soggy island in the middle of the north seas has SPAWNED AND CREATED THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE BREEDS AND LINES OF TERRIER IN THE WORLD and i for one am quite offended by the fact you think the wee dogs wouldent have the balls to stand up against any animal of the same size! you tell that to the snipey wee russle that can hold a brock till dug, even thou it may weigh twice the dogs weight. i have a pup right now he is 11 month old and their is not a f*****g thing he wont stand his ground on...granted he may not win but he wont shift and he wont budge a inch. will your uber mink do that? no it will run like feck as soon as it can.. why? because its prey...dogs eat mink and if you can call a terrier a "coward" they you need to sort your kennels out,,,,its all very well and good haveing a big snarly pit dog thats wieghs 100lb yeh it will fettal the f**k out of most things....but no one has told a proper terrier thats its only 13" tall and smells a bit funny.. tell me what dogs would work a quarry in the dark and in pain for hours even days? what dog or even animal will come from a earth with cuts,bloody, teeth missing and go right into the next one with just as much fire in its gut? no i can fully understand...i realy can your passion for mink.. but you have to understand they are not indestructible they are not super animals they are MINK....and terriers are not any of them things ether...but they are TERRIERS and proper terriers wouldent think twice about getting nuts deep in that monster of a mink. feck if a terrier has the balls to tackle a otter then whats the difference between that and a mink? the minks smaller... so do not keep digging holes for your self and lose all creditably on this forum by slandering terriers when you quite clearly have no REAL AND PROPER experience of PROPER terriers... and lastly....you keep reminding us that a mink can out move and out mark a terrier...if this is the case then how do terriers catch and kill mink? ive got a old fell terrier snoreng on the sofa next to me that has killed well over hundreds of mink and their isnt mink mark on her that i can remember sure lots of fox peppering on her lugs but never mink...my pups can rattle a mink and MAYBE take a nip on the lip but as for talking about "mink the size of dogs" it sounds like a f***ing school yard argument. theirs not a mink on this plannet that could kill a proper terrier yours included! f**k it ile put £250 (thats about $400) towards a flight you bring that f**k off big mink over and we will see in real terms how much of a dog killer it is...and ime sure we could get a few £50s off other members on here to get you over? so please take this advice and stick to what you know. Edited January 13, 2014 by perthshire keeper 1 Quote Link to post
hawki 1,433 Posted January 13, 2014 Report Share Posted January 13, 2014 any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... No dog alive could stand toe toe with a weasel, stoat, or mink of equal size. The only reason they win against mink is because they are 10 times larger. I don't get excited when my mink kills a mouse with one bit, and talk about how tough my mink is! The same goes with dogs. No dog alive could handle a mink or weasel of equal weight. And that includes pit dogs, which make terriers look like cowards. I KNOW, I've worked with both in the field. Terriers are impressive when compared to a boarder collie, but they are cowards when compared to a game bread fighting pitbull. now ive been polite ive given handy one line replys that will have helped you avoid the one wrath of the THL massif but ime afraid that now ile have to quit the subtle tactics and go all out..... i like TC am very impressed at your "training of mink" very clever and you want to wright a book bravo... have a bone.... and you have had "working dogs your whole life" again pat yourself on the back, but i dont know what the hell standards of terrier you have seen but ile tell you what... this soggy island in the middle of the north seas has SPAWNED AND CREATED THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE BREEDS AND LINES OF TERRIER IN THE WORLD and i for one am quite offended by the fact you think the wee dogs wouldent have the balls to stand up against any animal of the same size! you tell that to the snipey wee russle that can hold a brock till dug, even thou it may weigh twice the dogs weight. i have a pup right now he is 11 month old and their is not a f*****g thing he wont stand his ground on...granted he may not win but he wont shift and he wont budge a inch. will your uber mink do that? no it will run like feck as soon as it can.. why? because its prey...dogs eat mink and if you can call a terrier a "coward" they you need to sort your kennels out,,,,its all very well and good haveing a big snarly pit dog thats wieghs 100lb yeh it will fettal the f**k out of most things....but no one has told a proper terrier thats its only 13" tall and smells a bit funny.. tell me what dogs would work a quarry in the dark and in pain for hours even days? what dog or even animal will come from a earth with cuts,bloody, teeth missing and go right into the next one with just as much fire in its gut? no i can fully understand...i realy can your passion for mink.. but you have to understand they are not indestructible they are not super animals they are MINK....and terriers are not any of them things ether...but they are TERRIERS and proper terriers wouldent think twice about getting nuts deep in that monster of a mink. feck if a terrier has the balls to tackle a otter then whats the difference between that and a mink? the minks smaller... so do not keep digging holes for your self and lose all creditably on this forum by slandering terriers when you quite clearly have no REAL AND PROPER experience of PROPER terriers... and lastly....you keep reminding us that a mink can out move and out mark a terrier...if this is the case then how do terriers catch and kill mink? ive got a old fell terrier snoreng on the sofa next to me that has killed well over hundreds of mink and their isnt mink mark on her that i can remember sure lots of fox peppering on her lugs but never mink...my pups can rattle a mink and MAYBE take a nip on the lip but as for talking about "mink the size of dogs" it sounds like a f*****g school yard argument. theirs not a mink on this plannet that could kill a proper terrier yours included! f**k it ile put £250 (thats about $400) towards a flight you bring that f**k off big mink over and we will see in real terms how much of a dog killer it is...and ime sure we could get a few £50s off other members on here to get you over? so please take this advice and stick to what you know. Thats it PK you tell him :laugh: 1 Quote Link to post
Minkenry 1,044 Posted January 13, 2014 Author Report Share Posted January 13, 2014 (edited) any dog that could be killed by a mink of any fecking size is no great loss to the gene pool and nature... No dog alive could stand toe toe with a weasel, stoat, or mink of equal size. The only reason they win against mink is because they are 10 times larger. I don't get excited when my mink kills a mouse with one bit, and talk about how tough my mink is! The same goes with dogs. No dog alive could handle a mink or weasel of equal weight. And that includes pit dogs, which make terriers look like cowards. I KNOW, I've worked with both in the field. Terriers are impressive when compared to a boarder collie, but they are cowards when compared to a game bread fighting pitbull. now ive been polite ive given handy one line replys that will have helped you avoid the one wrath of the THL massif but ime afraid that now ile have to quit the subtle tactics and go all out..... i like TC am very impressed at your "training of mink" very clever and you want to wright a book bravo... have a bone.... and you have had "working dogs your whole life" again pat yourself on the back, but i dont know what the hell standards of terrier you have seen but ile tell you what... this soggy island in the middle of the north seas has SPAWNED AND CREATED THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE BREEDS AND LINES OF TERRIER IN THE WORLD and i for one am quite offended by the fact you think the wee dogs wouldent have the balls to stand up against any animal of the same size! you tell that to the snipey wee russle that can hold a brock till dug, even thou it may weigh twice the dogs weight. i have a pup right now he is 11 month old and their is not a f*****g thing he wont stand his ground on...granted he may not win but he wont shift and he wont budge a inch. will your uber mink do that? no it will run like feck as soon as it can.. why? because its prey...dogs eat mink and if you can call a terrier a "coward" they you need to sort your kennels out,,,,its all very well and good haveing a big snarly pit dog thats wieghs 100lb yeh it will fettal the f**k out of most things....but no one has told a proper terrier thats its only 13" tall and smells a bit funny.. tell me what dogs would work a quarry in the dark and in pain for hours even days? what dog or even animal will come from a earth with cuts,bloody, teeth missing and go right into the next one with just as much fire in its gut? no i can fully understand...i realy can your passion for mink.. but you have to understand they are not indestructible they are not super animals they are MINK....and terriers are not any of them things ether...but they are TERRIERS and proper terriers wouldent think twice about getting nuts deep in that monster of a mink. feck if a terrier has the balls to tackle a otter then whats the difference between that and a mink? the minks smaller... so do not keep digging holes for your self and lose all creditably on this forum by slandering terriers when you quite clearly have no REAL AND PROPER experience of PROPER terriers... and lastly....you keep reminding us that a mink can out move and out mark a terrier...if this is the case then how do terriers catch and kill mink? ive got a old fell terrier snoreng on the sofa next to me that has killed well over hundreds of mink and their isnt mink mark on her that i can remember sure lots of fox peppering on her lugs but never mink...my pups can rattle a mink and MAYBE take a nip on the lip but as for talking about "mink the size of dogs" it sounds like a f*****g school yard argument. theirs not a mink on this plannet that could kill a proper terrier yours included! f**k it ile put £250 (thats about $400) towards a flight you bring that f**k off big mink over and we will see in real terms how much of a dog killer it is...and ime sure we could get a few £50s off other members on here to get you over? so please take this advice and stick to what you know. I've never seen a fighting dog over 60lbs. In the dog fighting world a dog that fights over 50lbs is a dang big dog. Most are in the 40's and some get under 30lbs. If the dog's anywhere close to 100lbs, you can pretty much know for sure it's not a pit dog. Yes I know terriers can kill mink. I've never said they couldn't. Just like my mink kills every rat it touches, any tarrier worth it's weight would do the same. I'm sure you could also beat up every kid in the entire elementary school. The only point I've ever tried to make was if things were even, pound for pound the mink would win. If you have David vs Goliath, the yes the dog 10 times the size of his quarry will ALWAYS WIN. If you really think your dogs are tough, go find a toothy beast 2-3 times its size and see if it wins. My mink do that on a daily basis, and without a scratch on them too. Yes they can be killed by a terrier 10 times their size, but if they were even close to the same size, the story would be different. Name one none mustelid animal that is 5 lbs or less that can fight off a mink? Now name one toothy beast that can put up a fight about 50 lbs your terriers can kill. I'm a dog man, and I can tell you there is none. You put a loan tarrier down a beaver hole and you get a dead dog, or a running beaver. Never a dead beaver. A pit dog yes, they are game enough to fight for an hour or more and put the larger animal into shock. But a terrier will cur out before the job is done. Edited January 13, 2014 by Minkenry Quote Link to post
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