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for me, every pup is different and learns things and matures at a different rate, by all means get them accustomed to the sights and sounds of the countryside early, make pals with smelly's, learn a w

It's ok saying take the pup on small trips etc but the reality isn't always that easy. You get a lay up in a deep set, weather turns, what are you teaching a 12 week pup? No harm comes from waiting ti

bout 12 weeks get him out he learn nothing sitting in the house

  On 14/11/2013 at 13:27, weasle said:


  On 14/11/2013 at 12:35, Suzy Ross said:

6-12 month old dog :laugh: you got to love this place.

Away and organise your panto. :)

:laugh: ohhh sorry great white hunter, sorry if I take this place as a bit of a joke. I forget folk come on here to try and get themselves a hunting reputation :laugh: you keep telling folk to take 12 week old pups out lamping ohhh great warrior, I'll stick to waiting till they reach the grand old age of 6 months+

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No reputation from me,In the real world I don't even tell lads I have a dog unless I know them well. I've lamped with one lad twice in 10 year.

Think the saying is a doer not a talker..

But a lad comes on so worried of taking he's dog ferreting he wants to know if he can let it of the lead.

The what if you have to dig to the ferret was the best I've read, when i have to ,the pup will learn to stay out the way till it's done another lesson.

Note no stress from me just putting a point across other than a pup has to stay in the safety of the garden while you fill its bowl every couple of hours in case it's little tummy gets empty.

I'm away to google kimosavi...

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Used in the tv series Lone Ranger, Kemosabe became a very popular term. It means trusty scout or faithful friend. Contrary to popular belief, this term is actually native american. This term can be used while talking to friends or brothers. It can also be used sarcastically when talking to an unloyal and unreliable person you don't like.



Don't like that last sentence


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  On 14/11/2013 at 14:02, weasle said:

Used in the tv series Lone Ranger, Kemosabe became a very popular term. It means trusty scout or faithful friend. Contrary to popular belief, this term is actually native american. This term can be used while talking to friends or brothers. It can also be used sarcastically when talking to an unloyal and unreliable person you don't like.



Don't like that last sentence


:laugh: f***ing hell, it's an expression..... Goes along with great white hunter...... You don't need to analyse it that much ffs :laugh:

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  On 14/11/2013 at 15:26, Suzy Ross said:

Look weasle, I canny be arsed arguing over whether a 12 week pup should go ferreting in November. I wouldn't do it, you would.... :)

Have to agree, i waited until mine was 6months+ before i had him out. Took him on plenty of walks and if he showed interest then i let him get on with it. As a pup i just spent a load of time with him and did retrieval work and getting him to know commands, but each to their own and i guess every dog is different

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My pup just turned 8 Months was out ferreting today for 5 hours just him and his dam marking, and pushing rabbits into stop nets set at 90 degree angle on a hedge line, a dog each side, good day 16 rabbits. as long as short runs, no harm done.

Edited by Country Joe
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  On 14/11/2013 at 15:26, Suzy Ross said:

Look weasle, I canny be arsed arguing over whether a 12 week pup should go ferreting in November. I wouldn't do it, you would.... :)

Sue no wonder you find ferreting daunting if you think this a argument,we haven't even got to the send me your post code and we will sort it out,or even a ferreting match yet :(

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  On 14/11/2013 at 17:58, weasle said:


  On 14/11/2013 at 15:26, Suzy Ross said:

Look weasle, I canny be arsed arguing over whether a 12 week pup should go ferreting in November. I wouldn't do it, you would.... :)

Sue no wonder you find ferreting daunting if you think this a argument,we haven't even got to the send me your post code and we will sort it out,or even a ferreting match yet :(

:laugh: you've got me again, I haven't a clue what an argument is, never had one on here before :D you've lamped for 10 years, well done mate. I can vaguely remember when my hunting years hit the double figures, getting to finally wear long trousers, it was bliss :)

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