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Marine Found Guilty Of Murder

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How are they immoral? If the sandal was on the other foot, he would be taken to a cave somewhere and his head cut off with a bread knife.   Live by the sword die by the sword imo   I don't thin

He should have claimed it was 'Pre Ban'  

So that he would have been saved patched up and returned to his village so that he could plant an IED or shoot a British soldier so that a baby in the uk loses a daddy or a Mother loses a son ........

  On 09/11/2013 at 18:27, maxhardcore said:

Yeah its fooking ridiculouse of the copper that Grassed him up.

Hope somewhere along the line he or she needs same type of help but goes down instead.

The whole thing is a bad advert for recruitment.

FFS Join up

lay your life on the line for Politicians really

then get shafted by the cnuts.

There should be a public outcry to him being found guilty a petition of some sort so they have to show leniency.

I think I might have found one...............................



It's clearly been running for a while now, but in the light of recent events, it's got to be worth a minute of your time ?

Edited by Blackbriar
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  On 09/11/2013 at 20:10, THE STIFFMEISTER said:

Don't ever make the schoolboy assertion that Pf are on a par with a brf , they are far above and beyond that and bring a lot more to the table than just cutting around Salisbury plain in scimitars,they are big timers and very much an outdated concept but they are by head and shoulders a cut above your regular joe crow in battalion

I'm not. But in theatre PF and BRF fulfil the same role, just like 2 PARA and 2 RIFLES fulfil the same role in theatre.

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Did anyone see that documentary called Armadillo? It was the Danish infantry in Afghanistan, they assaulted a Taliban trench which had a PKM and RPG in it taking casualties. When they finally got to it they used grenades to clear it and then had to shoot everyone in the trench. They were then court martialed by their hideous left wing politicians but in the end luckily they were let off....if I was a soldier I'd be thinking twice before putting my life on the line since they are so quick to hang them out to dry.

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When the calibre of leader such as tootle resign and leave due to the way are troops are being treated and the way the armed services are being maligned its time to worry , the powers that be have a duty to serve justice or we would be no better than the scum were fighting , In this day and age they should have known the footage was always going to come back and haunt them , What done is done but iam sure the marine family will not desert him nor should this nation

As julian Thomson said a i hope the powers that be show leniency to a man that acted in extreme circumstances after a period of extreme warfare ,

Edited by gonetoearth
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I'm sorry gecko but I'm not having that the average brf bloke brings as much to the party as a finder man, the worst thing that happened to p f was that websters book, it should have remained a closed book for those aware of the platoon rather than being the latest thing for weasels straight out of basic training to chops off about

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i think he was just stupid...........................stupid for getting caught.........there was no need for him to talk to his mates nothing is seeen on cam only herd....he should of walked up shot him job done end of.....if any one asked he raised a gun to me while i walked up to preform medical assistance so i shot him in self defence....no need av a chat to his mates about it.

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It's a sad day when an invading foreign force can't murder a local, film it, download it to his PC and when arrested for another crime in his home country, have to answer for his action?


An army can't expect unqualified support for the actions of every soldier. Nazis are still being hounded. The poor things, it must have been very stressful?



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Soldiers should be respected and supported for maintaining higher standards of discipline and bravery than most people could imagine.


Not for sinking to the lowest levels most civilians would sink to out of fear and lack of training/discipline.

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