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Castrating Dog Reducing Sense Of Smell

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Hi all


Just after some advice.

My 6 month old cocker has a retained testicle, I know that leaving them puts the dog at risk as the testicle stuck inside can go bad etc. so it needs to be removed.


Having seen the vet yesterday she told me that there is a possibility that castrated dogs can loose some of their sense of smell because of it.

This is something I have never come across/heard of before? I’m sure she isn’t lying to me but was wondering if anyone else has heard this before? If so how much will it affect his nose in the future? Is it worth having the bad one removed but keeping the good one?


The vet also was encouraging me to have the op done sooner rather than later but I was under the impression you shouldn’t castrate a dog to young i.e before puberty or while the pup is still growing?



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.Why are these vets castrate,spay daft..? money money money....


The testicle can descend in time,but if you are really worried go for the surgical root, as Stroller correctly states


Personally i would leave it and let mother nature take care..


But on a lighter note,a very well known Westie show person/judge had the same thing with a young dog and inserted a false testicle into a dog,only to turn up at a show one day and a judge felt 3 testicles...he was struck off after that incident....


Stick in..

Edited by camokev64
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  On 08/11/2013 at 08:58, camokev64 said:

The testicle can descend in time,but if you are really worried go for the surgical root, as Stroller correctly states

.Why are these vets castrate,spay daft..? money money money....

Personally i would leave it and let mother nature take care..

But on a lighter note,a very well known Westie show person/judge had the same thing with a young dog and inserted a false testicle into a dog,only to turn up at a show one day and a judge felt 3 testicles...he was struck off after that incident....


Stick in..

I agree with camokev the dogs still young and imature,to make that decision,it will most probably drop over next couple of months,as for loosing his scenting ability, no dont think so,however I do think the lack of testicles can in some cases maybee affect prey drive,allthough alot of castrated dogs work very very well,it depends how they are brought on,

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