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Out With The Hounds

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We went out yesterday to a farm that we hunt it was our second time out there this season we had a call from the farmer saying that he had seen a couple of foxes on monday, we had a dozen hounds 4 young dogs and 8 good hounds we went to a forestry where we though they might be and within minutes the hunt was on i was on top of the hill watching with the lurcher as sometimes they head straight up the hill but this one stayed down low the hounds hunted him for about half an hour but lost him in a quarry he gave a good hunt and i enjoyed watching it from my vantage point, we decided to run the hounds through the forestry again as the cover was still very tight and after about ten minutes the hounds were in full cry again this fox took the same line as the first one staying low but went to ground after about 3/4 of a mile or so with the hounds tight on his tail, the hounds were called of after a while and this one was accounted for, here are a few pics of the day dont be fooled by the bright sunshine it was blowing a gale and about 20 mins before i took the pics we had our first hailstone shower hail as big as golf balls beating the ears of me.lol


if you look closely in the center of the pics fou can see the hounds breaking cover


the mark.


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Yes they are, they are going very well this season, i think they had a couple of good hunts on sunday i diden't get out myself on sunday, i was out today serious ground the heather must have ben 2 1/2 foot in places not much fun with short legs the old undercarriage can take a bit of a beating. lol atb cd

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