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Mars !!!!!!!!!!

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While we have food banks and there are old people struggling to keep warm and make ends meet are friends who we send millions in aid today sent a rockets to MARS

i prefer a marathon :laugh: were fooked mate the lunatics have taken over the asylum :laugh::laugh:

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Aye, does make ya scratch ya head a bit that one.


Simple as this really, they prioritise certain subjective scientific research and advancements over spending on the poor, as almost all countrys do and imo should albeit debateable on what is worth research and what isn't (another argument). The foreign aid can't be anything other than a political backhander.

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I'll tell you a few even stranger bits of maths......................


UK aid to India this year - £280 million

India's aid to other countries this year - £300 million.


They have the 11th largest economy in the world, nuclear power stations and weapons and every year spend £700 million of their own money tackling their own poverty issues.


Aid to India is due to cease in 2015, but in the years 2010 - 2015, Britain alone will have kindly donated £1.2 billion !


Anyone have one good reason why we are still giving them a single penny?

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I'll tell you a few even stranger bits of maths......................


UK aid to India this year - £280 million

India's aid to other countries this year - £300 million.


They have the 11th largest economy in the world, nuclear power stations and weapons and every year spend £700 million of their own money tackling their own poverty issues.


Aid to India is due to cease in 2015, but in the years 2010 - 2015, Britain alone will have kindly donated £1.2 billion !


Anyone have one good reason why we are still giving them a single penny?

curry :D

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Bloody joke aint it. Charity starts at home if you ask me. How can they get away with spending that much while the people of the country are in poverty. How much of the money sent there actually gets to the people anyway? Another reason ill be voting for ukip. The bongo land speech was spot on. Ashame it got attention for the wrong reasons rather than people taking note of it being the truth.

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