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What Is Best Way To Dry Wounds Out ?

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Don't try and dry up a deep wound. If in any doubt see a vet: but what is 'pretty deep'? One centimetre? Half a centimetre? What type of wound: tear? Puncture? Different types of wound need different treatments. A small cut which only involves the skin, and where there is no big flap of skin involved can be allowed to heal naturally, but it needs to heal from the inside out, and attempting to dry it up will not do any good at all. As someone suggested, Intrasite Gel is good: or use honey: which is antibacterial and also keeps the wound moist.


I've used Manuka honey a few times for small wounds after you suggested it a while ago Penny.

Under what circumstances would you recommend drying the wound with wound powder?


None wounds need moisture to heal and by removing that moisture it can slow down wound healing.

I appreciate that but wound powder must have a place? Some vets and dog lads swear by it.

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Your best leaving the dog to sort himself. In my recent experience the dog has healed quicker by licking his wounds. The netex spray did a good job of keeping the wound clean while he had his lamp shade on. This lasted about 5 days. After that I left him to it, the more stuff I put on the more he licked it off making it worse. The vet said it was a horrific injury and could take up to 3 months to heal. The pics say it all can't believe how well he has done!







Be back on it next week happy days.

Edited by tubba
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