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What Would You Do About A Dog Pedlar Next Door?

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keep ya mouth shut and look after your own business! if you keep running dogs and hunt there will soon enough someone wanting to cause you trouble that you dont need! if all that fails ask Basil Brush he knows everything about everything and will advise you well!! prob tell you to pop round with a buicket and cull everything she owns! :whistling:

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Tell the RSPCA that she uses the dogs for hunting. That should make sure she never sees them again.

The best thing to do is mind your own f***ing business if the whole thing is based purely on tittle tattle !!

Whatever you decide to do keep quiet about it....you have just incriminated yourself...

Dont know if its still law now but once upon a time any more than 3 litters per year and you needed a breeders license,environmental health visit.....the lot.


That said......nobody likes busybody fuckers so if its not affecting you mind your business.

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Dont know if its still law now but once upon a time any more than 3 litters per year and you needed a breeders license,environmental health visit.....the lot.


That said......nobody likes busybody fuckers so if its not affecting you mind your business.

i believe its 5 or more brood bitches and a license has to be issued by the local council, as i said earlier if the RSPCA has already visited, it is now there ultimate responsibility to ensure adherence to all laws and acts in relation to these dogs. In short wind your neck in..............(thats the op not you gnash)

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have a word tell her what you have heard about her tell her if the condition she keeps dogs in is not rectified you will get in touch with the authorities that will make her do something about it


From what I have heard that's been done dozens of times by several different people, resulting in a lot of shouting matches and her boasting again about holidays. The authorities won't do anything since they have water available when they go round, I also heard someone let the dogs out before and now she keeps them padlocked 24/7. But the person I know said they were particular concerned last winter because they don't have any heating or real shelter so it isn't even dry, but as long as they have water it's OK by the law.


Essentially she isn't doing anything illegal, but I don't really care because I don't think it's right to keep dogs in a small cage all year round without hardly any contact, never exercised and breeding from puppies as often as possible. Adding the fact she openly kicks them about is just another reason I want to get involved.


I think you've answered your own question, mate.

Edited by Blackbriar
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Just wondering what your thoughts are before I sign up to ALF.


The summary is that someone I know who lives in the same small village as me has told me about this vile ginger bitch who keeps dogs locked in a small cage in her garden next door to her. She has been seen being abusive to them (kicking them about) and apparently they whine and whimper all day, so far she only has a few dogs but breeds as many litters as she can and sells black labs at £550 and springers.


She has been confronted by various people and she just boasts her dogs pay for her holidays, the police and RSPCA have also gone round and apparently can't do anything.


I only heard about this yesterday and I am already formulating plans on what to do, because I am not the sort to just sit quietly if someone is being cruel to dogs. But realistically what can I do to help? I am pretty sure I could get the dogs out, but then what? They will probably be chipped so any rescue I take them to would send them back to her, or if I can find homes willing to take them then nothing stops her getting more dogs.


I am at a bit of a loss..what would you do, no just what you would want to do. So no point saying 'I would go round and kick their teeth in, take the dogs and ride into the sunset on a quad bike getting head from your sister the whole time'

Why doesn't the person who told you report her

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