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English History

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At the risk of upsetting you lot, :D


Can anybody actually tell us what is on a typical school history syllabus? Because I'll hazard a guess it's not fecking Diwaly, that's usually part of religious studies.


Yes we should learn more about our own history to encourage pride in our nation but lets not let a strong sense of nationalism impinge on learning about other cultures and world history. We don't just learn history to sit here all proud to be British, it's important to understand other cultures and their history for political and economic reasons.

The vast majority of kids will never use the knowledge of other cultures (as well as 90% of the obscure crap they learn at school),we should save his sort of thing for higher education for those who have an aptitude for properly understanding and intention to use it.

No point in teaching it to kids,other than to try condition them into accepting multicult as adults.

That's nonesence, have you solved a quadratic equation since high school? Have you worked out the force of gravity acting on a given mass since high school? So maths and physics is pointless at high school level then in your opinion? A small amount of what is taught at school is taken to the real world and becomes of use to most people, what it does do is make people aware of many different things and that imo is important for all the reasons I have given.

No I havent used most of what I learned in secondary school,it was a waste of time learning most of the subjects in depth when I obviously wasn't going to pursue them later on (and probably wouldn't have had the aptitude to even if I wanted to).


That time would have been better spent learning something vocational.



In hindsight yes it probably would have for your specific case and perhaps many others, but at what expence? As a general state education do you not think it important to cover a wide variety of subjects to make kids aware of as much in the world as possible and hopefully create well rounded independent thinkers? People tend to focus on what is learnt in terms of knowledge and facts in education and then judge the system as poor because the majority is never used, imo what education gives you is a 'way of thinking' because it has provoked a person to use their brain and think about stuff without even realising it. Diversity in anything leads to adaptability and that leads to the top of the foodchain. Just my thoughts on the matter.

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To widen the debate slightly, why do we teach children, from a young age, the finer points of Diwali and the like, yet they are told little of English (and indeed British) history. What are they taugh


English History seems to be something we should be ashamed of and some of it isn't even taught in schools any more, but Google have taken the biscuit with this PC nonsense today.   Google.co.uk (i.e





even over here in northern Ireland theres a struggle going on to stay within Britain, all you get is you cant do that you cant do this now a days, even the marching season is being deemed as criminal . (personally I don't watch the bands) but thres only so much people will take as change before they take it to the streets. everywhere over the world and home britishness is being chipped away and our wanker$ in parliament is letting it happen. theres flag protests over here too arguing over the union and tricolour being taken down and flown. if it was me in power id say right take both down and stick up the northern flag as its the flag of our own country which is now deemed as sectarianism. FCUKING DISGRACE. theres a big part of English history to do with over here

. After watching the program about the battle of the atlantic and the part london derry played. The city should have got the vc in my opinion.
very true my own granny still remembers the blitz of Belfast when the Nazis blew up the place. she wasn't fortunate enough to be evacuated so they jst tried pot luck and they survived where many didn't. and she only lives a few hundred yards from h&w and shorts bros. the London derry name even offends people, even to th extent that from Belfast to London derry somebody has sprayed out the name London lol on the road signs
that's not really people getting offended. nationalists refer to it as derry mainly as it is derived from the irish word doire meaning oakland or oakgrove. but you know the old argument there and f**k going down that road :no: too much blood spilt in this wee country.
. I would not even try to argue either way , my opinion is you should be proud of that era and the part the people of that city played what ever you want to call it derry or london derry. You can not change its history


good point. although the peoples have had their differences in the past its certainly got a lot of history to be proud off.

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I don't get how it's any different to learning about any other culture though, so why censor any and all teaching of specifically islamic culture? Surely due to our political, economic and defence interests in the middle east and other islamic states it makes sense to give kids at least a little understanding of their culture? Likewise I would say with Indian culture, which would only be of advantage in a future highly competitive and profitable Indian trade market.


For instance in terms of defence at least the British are known for being 'in touch' with the native population of a war zone and as a result are more accepted than our american allies that have a far more ignorant and bussiness like attitude.


Understanding other cultures and loosing our own are NOT part of the same parcel.

But it is when Children school time is taken up learning other culturers history when they dont even know their own.

Other Cultures should be learning our history whilst being schooled on British soil.

Once our own History is learned by all to a acceptable standard and if time allows then touch up on other cultures history.

British History and Culture first and formost in British schools

Surely this is just ?



Do we even know the school history syllabus Max to say what's wrong with it? Because what I remember most of it was British history, the majority of which I've forgotten, nonetheless it did shape who I am today. I would be suprised if it has changed significantly and nobody has yet showed any evidence it has..... While I was at school we also tool religious studies which covered all the six main religions, it was factual and by no means 'brainwashing'.


What I'm saying is, how are we so certain that what you want isn't exactly what we have?

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I left school 34 years ago, and I've had to work out the area of a circle.................................once.

The height of an object using Pythagorus' theorum..............................................................never.

The missing angle of a triangle.............................................................................................never.

The combined speed of 2 passing trains...............................................................................never.

The speed of a falling object 6 secs after being dropped......................................................never.


But I've had discussions and answered questions on 'University Challenge' and ' The Chase' about the Battle of Trafalgar, English monarchs, British Prime ministers, both World Wars,the English Civil War, modern social history and many other significant historical events............................loads of times !!


Well I've used all them plenty but I accept most don't but if state education didn't teach these things where would all our scientists and engineers come from? As I've said, education isn't about imprinting facts, formula and dates in your head, it's about training the mind to function effectively and giving a child a well rounded 'introduction' to the world. And coming back to the topic of learning about foreign cultures, I personally feel it is important to at least touch on these things because todays world is a lot smaller than it once was and the majority of todays children will at some point come into contact with foreign cultures. they might not have learnt about that specific one but having learnt about others there mind will be geared up to deal with it. That imo is an advantage and imo does not make a multicultural society.

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I left school 34 years ago, and I've had to work out the area of a circle.................................once.

The height of an object using Pythagorus' theorum..............................................................never.

The missing angle of a triangle.............................................................................................never.

The combined speed of 2 passing trains...............................................................................never.

The speed of a falling object 6 secs after being dropped......................................................never.


But I've had discussions and answered questions on 'University Challenge' and ' The Chase' about the Battle of Trafalgar, English monarchs, British Prime ministers, both World Wars,the English Civil War, modern social history and many other significant historical events............................loads of times !!


Well I've used all them plenty but I accept most don't but if state education didn't teach these things where would all our scientists and engineers come from? As I've said, education isn't about imprinting facts, formula and dates in your head, it's about training the mind to function effectively and giving a child a well rounded 'introduction' to the world. And coming back to the topic of learning about foreign cultures, I personally feel it is important to at least touch on these things because todays world is a lot smaller than it once was and the majority of todays children will at some point come into contact with foreign cultures. they might not have learnt about that specific one but having learnt about others there mind will be geared up to deal with it. That imo is an advantage and imo does not make a multicultural society.


I can also work out the volume of a sphere,,,,,...........the world is the same size that it ever was ! :tongue2:

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Let's all have a big party and celebrate with the ritual burning of a Catholic...............hate crime !! :whistling:

any details you could share


Banter - that's what my old Mum says bonfire night amounts to !

(Though I'm a committed aetheist, I'm from a Catholic family BTW.)


i was taking the piss lol

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thought thats when yous strung up poor Saddam to get your hands on his oil


You Irish are a backwards bunch, how else do you think we could afford to give you Potato-Heads that big old bail out.....................


Come on be truthful you lot wish you were still in the club with the Queen as your head of state ????????


i wouldnt give a shit who was head of state they never put a loaf on my table

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At the risk of upsetting you lot, :D


Can anybody actually tell us what is on a typical school history syllabus? Because I'll hazard a guess it's not fecking Diwaly, that's usually part of religious studies.


Yes we should learn more about our own history to encourage pride in our nation but lets not let a strong sense of nationalism impinge on learning about other cultures and world history. We don't just learn history to sit here all proud to be British, it's important to understand other cultures and their history for political and economic reasons.


The vast majority of kids will never use the knowledge of other cultures (as well as 90% of the obscure crap they learn at school),we should save his sort of thing for higher education for those who have an aptitude for properly understanding and intention to use it.

No point in teaching it to kids,other than to try condition them into accepting multicult as adults.

That's nonesence, have you solved a quadratic equation since high school? Have you worked out the force of gravity acting on a given mass since high school? So maths and physics is pointless at high school level then in your opinion? A small amount of what is taught at school is taken to the real world and becomes of use to most people, what it does do is make people aware of many different things and that imo is important for all the reasons I have given.

No I havent used most of what I learned in secondary school,it was a waste of time learning most of the subjects in depth when I obviously wasn't going to pursue them later on (and probably wouldn't have had the aptitude to even if I wanted to).

That time would have been better spent learning something vocational.

In hindsight yes it probably would have for your specific case and perhaps many others, but at what expence? As a general state education do you not think it important to cover a wide variety of subjects to make kids aware of as much in the world as possible and hopefully create well rounded independent thinkers? People tend to focus on what is learnt in terms of knowledge and facts in education and then judge the system as poor because the majority is never used, imo what education gives you is a 'way of thinking' because it has provoked a person to use their brain and think about stuff without even realising it. Diversity in anything leads to adaptability and that leads to the top of the foodchain. Just my thoughts on the matter.

Cramming a kids head with useless facts that will never be useful is not the way to make them passionate about learning.


Most kids hate school in this country because not only do they not enjoy the subjects they study they know how completely irrelevant they are.


In my school the very badly behaved kids were allowed to take up a work placement organised/overseen by the school,most of them learnt trades.

everyone I know who done that has done quite well for themselves,if they stayed in school they'd have left with nothing and probably never got a job.


That should be available for all kids IMO.

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even over here in northern Ireland theres a struggle going on to stay within Britain, all you get is you cant do that you cant do this now a days, even the marching season is being deemed as criminal . (personally I don't watch the bands) but thres only so much people will take as change before they take it to the streets. everywhere over the world and home britishness is being chipped away and our wanker$ in parliament is letting it happen. theres flag protests over here too arguing over the union and tricolour being taken down and flown. if it was me in power id say right take both down and stick up the northern flag as its the flag of our own country which is now deemed as sectarianism. FCUKING DISGRACE. theres a big part of English history to do with over here

take the pole down be the best bet,

Edited by Banter
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thought thats when yous strung up poor Saddam to get your hands on his oil

Of course, you don't use petrol, diesel, gas and oil in Ireland do you? What do you run your cars on, poitin? :laugh:


dont like admiting to buying stolen gear :laugh:

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