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On my last outing with the pups and the mother a few weeks back 3 pups ran with the mother for 20 min, going over a swollen river twice and broke out to another cover when i finally caught up with them, the mother was still going well in front and made her way back to where she started off...


1-11-03 took the pups and mother out, it was throwing it down with rain, as i was in a big cover it wasnt to bad. it didnt take them long they where all over the cover through the roden dendran going at a good speed, then bang the mother opens up, i could see all the pups running where she was then the MUSIC BEGAN, they ran him for 300yards through the wood and then across a back road with no traffic only tractor, and in to a big wood, i thought handy they will stay with him inn there and have a good run, so i walked up the road 200yards to a corner and there was a straight road for about 400-500 yards, hoping i would see him cross the road..i could hear the dogs going well and going further away from me, waited a bit and decided to run to the end off the wood which was 400-500 yards, got on top off the wall looked down the hedge nothing, then i heard them i take a look across 2 big fields and i could see them like an arrow crossing the 3rd field, so i ran like a whippet back to the van 1000 yards away i go like mad to try and get in front of the dogs, i get 1 field away with the van and run to the top of the field as i get there the pups are making there way over a 5ft stone wall a few calls on the horn and some calling i have some back as i was putting them in the van the last pup came back, i went to look for the mother she wasnt to been seen any where, there was a good wind so was a job to hear her, i went back to where had dropped then off and called for hours with the horn then be for dark she came trotting out of the cover, i was so glad she got back be for dark, i called her with a big smile on my face and give her a rub on her side and asked her where she had been, she just looked at me to say after my tail. little vid be for phone went off .CWN-HELA



Edited by CWN-HELA
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