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Can The Scent Of A Perticular Person Make Ferrets Aggressive

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i have always wondered this?

you can have a good tame ferret handled by a few strangers well then bites another. i have met some who have said that ferrets just bite them.


This happened last year, I have 2 great well tamed workers and have a few mates who can handle her without a nip but one mate who handles her no differently to the others gets bitten 50% of the time. He gave up keeping them as he was convinced the ferrets had put a curse on him...LOL

But this is not an isolated case and i have seen it many times.Some handlers just seem to be excepted more than others.

Dogs are the same they can just dislike somebody for no apparent reason. I had a dog that would growl at any ethnic minority as in a black person everytime.

i even had a hawk that was persistant in coming down and hitting another falconer and only him. That's only ever happened once but it did happen nevertheless.




My mom's dog who she got when she was 7 years old growled and barked viciously at any black person. just one of those things. I am pretty sure the dog wasn't a racist though. she was after all black and tan colour herself... :hmm:


Some say it's because years back and even now they were guard dogs for them and got badly mis treated and they have senced that during time. Most of the time i walk any dog i have had passing a black person and the person really seems apprehensive and backs away. Does the dog sence fear in them or regognise their smell!


Also on a slightly off topic many say that dried food makes ferrets more aggressive than a meat diet.

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Not exactly a ferret, but I rescue unwanted reptiles and once took an unusually snappy cornsnake off a student that was terrorfied of his own pet...


As soon as he opened the box to show me she lunged right out at him, him jumping backwards and the snake quickly exiting the box and across the floor eyes fixed on him! I scooped her up and put her in a travel bag to chill the f**k out, but when I got her out and into her new viv after a bit of quiet time in the bag expecting a hissing writhing mess of carnage she was fine. Slow and docile as you like, settled into her new place and NEVER went for anyone (I used to wear her round my neck while I was busy doing things), I eventually rehomed her with a couple who have experience with snakes and they keep in touch telling me shes the most chilled out corn they've ever had.


So Yeh, I think some otherwise placid animals can take a particular dislike to certain people.

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i have always wondered this?

you can have a good tame ferret handled by a few strangers well then bites another. i have met some who have said that ferrets just bite them.


This happened last year, I have 2 great well tamed workers and have a few mates who can handle her without a nip but one mate who handles her no differently to the others gets bitten 50% of the time. He gave up keeping them as he was convinced the ferrets had put a curse on him...LOL

But this is not an isolated case and i have seen it many times.Some handlers just seem to be excepted more than others.

Dogs are the same they can just dislike somebody for no apparent reason. I had a dog that would growl at any ethnic minority as in a black person everytime.

i even had a hawk that was persistant in coming down and hitting another falconer and only him. That's only ever happened once but it did happen nevertheless.




My mom's dog who she got when she was 7 years old growled and barked viciously at any black person. just one of those things. I am pretty sure the dog wasn't a racist though. she was after all black and tan colour herself... :hmm:


Some say it's because years back and even now they were guard dogs for them and got badly mis treated and they have senced that during time. Most of the time i walk any dog i have had passing a black person and the person really seems apprehensive and backs away. Does the dog sence fear in them or regognise their smell!


Also on a slightly off topic many say that dried food makes ferrets more aggressive than a meat diet.


Nah most black people have dogs as much as any other ethnicity these days so that's never been my experience. regarding the food thing its the other way round ive heard meat makes ferrets more aggressive particularly whole prey :laugh:

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