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Choke Or Not To Choke That Is The Question.

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I go ruff shooting mostly and have always used my 20bore as it is just more fun. However my 20 doesn't seem to have enuf range for the high pheasants that my dog flushes from the wood. Luckely my 20bore also has a set of 12bore barls with interchangeable chokes. So what chokes should I use for ruff shooting.

Thanks for the help, Luke

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Choke ultimately depends on the distance, combined with the cartridge i.e. the weight and size of shot,


I'm guessing by a high bird you mean somewhere around the 40 yard mark, what about the cartridges you're using?


Also what cartridges are you using in the 20 bore and what are the fixed chokings in that gun?


SS :thumbs:

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The best thing you can do with choke is weld the fuckers in and forget about them.

Your 20 is more than enough for highish birds unless it has seriously loose chokes. How high are we talking?

My 12 that I use for all my game shooting is choked 1/8th and 5/8ths I use 32g 5's and am lucky enough to shoot 20+ days a year on high bird pheasant. It's very rare that I need the 2nd barrel to make a clean kill.

If you get on with the 20 chocked how it is, look at the cartridges first.

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