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My Jack Russle

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To be fair ive got a 10 shot p.c.p air arms s200 mk1 sat in the cupboard that never gets used..... Needs the seals changing on it but never the less is still worth £250 so I may aswell just get the terrier locator for added security. And thanks terryd I always do :)

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Terriers !!!!!! Ive never scorned any mans or condemed the way or what they work them on as i started with mongrels and my jouney has took me through many learning curves. Seen scruffy littl

Here's patch! What do you think?

. Have to disagree Seen all shapes all sizes do the. Jobs reqired. Makes not one differance what they look like what colour and who bred them if the work the work looks dont come into it

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are you for real WM? :laugh: a picture of a fox in a trap.... that proves alot about your supposedly WORKING plummers! lol and a pic of a terrier and a rat and one of a fox, does it prove anything? f**k ALL just that you feel you have something to prove to a 'KID' half your age! your an old man with nothing but memories of terrier doubled up or even more in an earth at one time, so you cant be expected to know any better so the plummers are what your used to! you try to knock any f****r thats not been in the game as long as yourself and show off your superior (using that word lightly) knowledge. Correct me if im wrong but arent you the man that was going round all the shows this season looking for a stud for your bitch? :hmm: dream on old boy and keep pissing about with your rabbiting pack and leave the digging to people who take it seriously! Atb

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why don't you go to pm so as not to cock up Mitchell1982's thread

I asked the kid to do that on friday when he was asked to back up his big mouth about black dogs,anyone can dig to a black dog,nothing hard in that,there's plenty of them about,I've got nothing against black dogs just him for being so blinkered,simple request to put some pics up to back up his words and I would of put some of my plummers doing the same,should of been easy if he gets out and not just another newbie dreamer,the sites pretty dead at the minute anyway due to trolls like him trying to get a rise out of lads that do actually get out,post and put pics up,it seems this thread has run its course for mitch anyway and I've plenty of time for decent lads,I give a few days out a month to kids that have no permission and are keen to see a hawk fly or ferret over dogs,lamping,terrierwork,in fact anything country related


B.S.I am serious about all things in the countryside but it seems your still dodging the issue of putting up some working pics,a well known expert like yourself that only breeds for work must have thousands about the house,LOL's,the only surprise for me is that none of your "pirate pack" friends have sent you a pic to try to save face,I know and hunt with a few welsh fox destruction societies (north and south) and there are some really good lads about there but none that would accept the company of a lad with your poor attitude.I did attend a lot of hunt supporters shows and many in wales looking for a stud off a certain type,I found one in the end but not at a show,these are the things a decent breeder does to ensure success where it counts,in the field.I am an allround countryman and not a "digger" or one trick pony,check out the thread up on the bushing section fao taffy 1969 and you will see part of what I do in a week,most pics you will know nothing about,open up your mind and you may just learn something,but you won't learn sitting on the internet,I notice you were on at 10-30am this morning and yet thats the day you go "digging"lol's so you say,get a life and grow up little boy.WM

you have pm WM :thumbs: and no hunt yeasterday, was out with terriers, as i had to work this sunday... must be great for you living out your retirement on your pension!

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Mines on my profile photo and plenty in the gallery if you want as look budBlood lines not some thing I'm interested in if my dog is a good grafter it's because she learnt the hunt on her own with a little help from me not giving some one els the glory to say it because it's there blood line

I never directed any comment at you,but ,yes,your dog has been bred by some person with no thought for looks as you so rightly say,prick ears and poor conformation are also major faults for all to see,WM

As I dint mean it sound as I were directing it at you buddy I'm just saying she is a pet not bred to work, she was only a pup and out for a mooch and started to mark lol now she loves it like today she played a big part in the 37 rabbits we got today on new perrmison and she never been or seen before
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Oh and in the time it's taken you guys to not sort your differences out...... My dog has developed a very nasty kidney and liver infection this is why im up at this time ive been nursing my dog all night he's going in tomoro and to be fair I dont know if he'll come back


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