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Channel One Now Tommy Quiting Edl Program

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He is no more muppet than any of the fookers in the house of commons , he lets him self down


Why did he let himself down? I watched it from the begining and I could understand his aims But he was nt getting anywhere with that Mo guy. Other learned Muslims were agreeing with TR and his reading of the Qu ran they even turned on the Mo guy about stoning to death, and chopping off of hands as mentioned in the Qu ran, they asked Mo his views and he stuttered, the guy blasted him YES or NO and he could nt answer. This Qwillian would nt be filmed withTR to start with

It was obvious that TR and the Qwillian guy were aiming at the same target and have now set up to achieve this IMHO

TR thought he could achieve his aim with the EDL but has seen another way of doing it and gone for it, he has converted to Islam or become a Muslim hes still TR coming from a different direction

As a comparison the Countryside Alliance have an official working for them at head office by the name of Barrington who used to be chairman of the lacs

Y.I.S Leeview

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I watched the program and i thought he came across as a decent bloke who wanted the best for his country and his family, hes trying to find the best way he can achieve his aims and lets be serious hes done more to legitamise the feelings that many people have that Islamic extremism is a threat to Britain than almost any one. If you act like a thug youll be treated like a thug but if you act like TR has in a respectful thought out manner then youl get better results. You can see all ready that he has forced people to talk about it in a legitimate environment. If you have people kicking off at a demo they arnt going to talk about the demo or the reasons they will talk about the people kicking off.

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Very true lads It was a good watch problem is with the edl it attracts a lot of racists you only have to go on FB to see that, I believe he is doing the best thing and end of the day he has stood up there at the front getting death threads to himself and his family, not many people would have the balls to do what he has done, i wish him alb with whatever his next steps are.

Edited by Bazil brush
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